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GABA with campral

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    GABA with campral

    I just switched from topa to campral. I was on campral for awhile, but did not work too well for me. I then switched to topa, which worked, but I was have eye troblem and pressure in my head. I'm back to trying campral. My question is : can you take campral and GABA together? I was reading that the campral effected the gaba in your system. The campral seems to take the craving away (most anyway), but then I get stressed out or angery and want to have a beer. I thought that the GABA might help

    GABA with campral

    CJ: I'm taking Campral and Cymbalta (for depression and anxiety). Prior to starting to take the Campral I inquired with both my doctor and the pharmacist if I can take the 2 drugs together. I was cleared. I've paced the time of the day in which I take the 2 drugs. For instance, as soon as I wake up, and before my first cup of cofee, I down two Campral. After I have eaten breakfast and showered, and just before I walk out the door for work, I take my one dose of Cymbalta. Then at lunch, two more Campral, and then 2 more Campral right before I go to bed. The only side effect I have had was sleepiness. That's not all that bad. I'm actually getting a good nights sleep and feel much happier. I have been AF for 7 days now. It is now 9:40 pm and I'm done popping Campral for the day!
    September 23, 2011


      GABA with campral

      thanks, is cymbalta the same as gaba? and does it seem to help with your mood?


        GABA with campral

        Cymbalta is a perscription drug used for depression and anxiety. I beleive GABA is a natural herb used to calm you and lessen anxiety. I'm going to google GABA and learn more about it. I think, then again, I'm not a pharmacist, if you pace yourself when taking the two, you will be alright. If I come up with any info pertaining to the combo of Gaba and Campral, I'll let you know! My mood in general has been better. I'm much happier. I've been AF for 7 days now. I've been on Cymbalta for 2 months. I noticed how much better I felt within the first week of taking it.
        September 23, 2011


          GABA with campral

          cool, I've been searching as well and found nothing.


            GABA with campral

            Lots of info out there for Gaba and/or Campral. Unfortunatley there is not information pertaining to them being taken at the same time. It's best to check with your pharmacist. Are you consistent with either one of the drugs now?
            September 23, 2011


              GABA with campral

              I'm only taking the campral now, think of adding gaba. Thanks again, I can ask my doctor, but she really hates any supp.


                GABA with campral

                This is great! I have been wondering the same thing myself for the last few days. Can one take Gaba with Campral. For me Campral is OK but if I add 5HTP & kudzu I am sick. And I would love to substitute Gaba fro Campral.

                But all in all I am so glad to hear all of the reports about campral working. Topa is rather severe for me.

                As a old member of the board said recently & I agree....more & more I believe this is truly a physical brain chemistry situation.


                  GABA with campral

                  cloudjockey, have you tried L-glutamine when you have an anxiety/craving mood? some people try it and don't get results because they are very cautious and it won't work that way in my really have to get aggressive. fortunately it's harmless. Take a rouned teaspoon (or two) of the L-Glut powder in juice when you feel that mood come on and wait a few minutes...think you will be pleasantly surprised.
                  I'm taking campral and citalopram (for depression) doc actually recommended the both of them. Also getting enough Bvitamins (especially B1 thiamine) is important and even the often overlooked Vit C. (I take at least 1,000mg of C per day after researching this amazing vitamin). let us know what works for you.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    GABA with campral

                    I do/have taken the L-glut. I never took very much, just 1 or 2 capsules a day. It did not seem to do alot, but maybe I did not take enough. I'll also give take a try again, but at an increased dose. Thanks


                      GABA with campral

                      Determinator, great point on taking the B vitamins. I recently had blood work done. I was low in B-12. I recently purchased a bottle of B-12 and a bottle of B Complex. I haven't been consistent in taking my B's but its really important to. They benefit your heart and stress level. Without reading much on Vitamin B(s), they play a big role in the overall functioning of your body.
                      September 23, 2011

