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Campral vs Naltrexone

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    Campral vs Naltrexone

    Hi Everyone!
    I will be going to my doctor for the second time tomorrow after being alcohol free just over two weeks. Currently I am taking Campral (3 tablets twice daily) and I am fairly satisfied with it so far. At my first appointment, my doctor spoke briefly about a once a month injection of naltrexone called vivitrol.

    I need some answers fast before I see him tomorrow. Does Naltrexone perform a dual role, that is, reduce cravings plus block the alcohol high? I know that Campral only is designed to reduce cravings.

    The injection seems to be the better choice because it is once a month and you forget (although this almost sounds like giving your dog his once a month worm medicine, lol!)

    Anxiously Anticipating your Answers,


    Campral vs Naltrexone

    I am on Naltrexone (the pill form). It blocks the high/buzz from alcohol and has also reduced my cravings tremendously. I've been on it about six weeks now and only had cravings twice. I am amazed every day that I do not crave alcohol the way I used to. I used to start thinking about it anytime between 2-4pm and rarely made it to 6pm without a drink or two or three...

    By the way, you can also take Campral AND Naltrexone at the same time. They are supposed to be even more effective together than either of them separately. For me, Naltrexone has been enough on its own, though. I also take all the recommended vitamins/supps, do the hypno, exercise (but no Kudzu).

    Good Luck to you!


      Campral vs Naltrexone

      "(but no Kudzu)"




        Campral vs Naltrexone

        KeithP;164020 wrote: "(but no Kudzu)"


        Well, researchers aren't sure how Kudzu works, but one of the theories is that it speeds the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream so you feel the effects faster. The theory being that you stop faster because you feel the alcohol faster. They are not sure if it works this way, but I was concerned that if this is the way it works, then it might not be good for me to take. When I was drinking heavily, I really liked the feeling of the alcohol hitting me FAST. I would always try to drink very strong drinks on an empty stomach because I got a better/higher buzz that way. And, ultimately, I feel like this is what made alcohol more reinforcing to me and made me lose control. Of course, this is just a theory on how Kudzu works. Who really knows? But, it just made me a bit wary on it.

        And, from a practical standpoint, I thought it would make more sense to try the Naltrexone first (because it seemed to pinpoint my problem - eliminate the buzz and you eliminate my motivation for drinking - which is what Naltrexone does). I wanted to see if the Naltrexone would work on its own first before I spend a lot of money on Kudzu which I may not need. If you take as much Kudzu in the amounts recommended, it costs quite a bit more than the Rx drug (covered by insurance). So, I also didn't want to pay extra money that might not be necessary. The other supps/vitamins are not nearly as expensive and most don't need to be taken forever (just long enough to replenish what was lost through prior heavy drinking).

        Anyway, sorry for the book of an answer here. I am kinda long winded, but that was my logic.


          Campral vs Naltrexone

          Kudzu and my experience


          That was my experience with Kudzu. I ended up giving it to my daughter with that warning. I took it and found that it just turned off my "stop" switch even faster so that I drank even more and faster.

          It was NOT a pretty thing.

          However, there are people for whom the Kudzu seems to work really well.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Campral vs Naltrexone

            adagirl;162255 wrote: I am on Naltrexone (the pill form). It blocks the high/buzz from alcohol and has also reduced my cravings tremendously. I've been on it about six weeks now and only had cravings twice. I am amazed every day that I do not crave alcohol the way I used to. I used to start thinking about it anytime between 2-4pm and rarely made it to 6pm without a drink or two or three...

            By the way, you can also take Campral AND Naltrexone at the same time. They are supposed to be even more effective together than either of them separately. For me, Naltrexone has been enough on its own, though. I also take all the recommended vitamins/supps, do the hypno, exercise (but no Kudzu).

            Good Luck to you!
            Good job to you, YOu sound exactly like me about the 2-4 craving. I just started naltrxone today so it's nice to see positive feedback from the medication


              Campral vs Naltrexone

              Take the Naltrexone (50mg 3 times a day i.e 150mg per day) and Campral Together.

              To my Disappointment (even though its a listed drug here) I cant get Campral here in New Zealand.

              Hypnotherapy is powerful. I have the MWO CDs

              I found best after trying almost all of them the Supraliminal Plus CD from Deeptrancenow (google).Dr. Laura De Giorgios

              If I listened to the alcohol CD twice a day (with headphones) for 30 days after that period I had to try hard to drink, I just didnt feel like drinking alcohol. But when I did drink even though I didn't feel like drinking. my addiction kicked in again. So I guess with Hypnotherapy you have to be want to give up forever, which at the time i didn't want to.

              Hypnotherapy works very well but its hard to stick with listening to them every day in a relaxed state.

              Naltrexone (50mg 3 times a day i.e 150mg per day) has been a life saver for me along with Hypnotherapy

              Doses of less than 150mg a day in my opinion is less likely to be useful for Alcoholism. 50mg a day is ok for opiates only imo

