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    online pharmacy

    Hi All,
    I just wanted to tell my experiences with this. I ordered from Aclepsa and never got my order (1 month). I emailed them and they said it was a mixup and i still didnt get it- by then (2 weeks) i told them i didnt want it anymore, i just wanted my money back, they said oh it was delayed blah blah, they will send it express and i will get a discount on my next purchase- i told them i didnt want it, I wanted a refund. I did get the refund.
    Then I ordered from River pharmacy July 12, I have it TODAY, July 17th!!
    is unbelievable! I cant even take it yet it came so fast...... today is my daughters sleepover bday party and i dont want to try it now with 8 kids here!

    Anyway,river is the way to go in my book.
    by the way-
    theyre in foil push through packets that say Johnson and Johnson-

    I am psyched~!


    online pharmacy

    So glad River worked for you dayzee! Aclepsa was a BIG problem for me as well, and said they shipped my product 3 different times over 7 weeks. I finally asked for a refund and ordered from InHouse pharmacy. I had my product in hand 10 days total after placing my order (not 10 business days). They were also in foil packs, but they said Janssen-cilag topamax 25mg (topiamate). It gives a New Zealand address. I wonder if I have the "real" stuff? Anyways...good luck, and keep us posted
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      online pharmacy

      PS-happy birthday to your daughter, and aren't you the brave one-8 kiddos under one roof for a ***sleep***over:H :H :H :goodjob:
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        online pharmacy

        thanks amethyst,
        her bday was in october, my mom had serious surgery right before my dds bday so i waited. (a little long but lept my promise)

        how did you find the side effects right away- im afraid to start because i am always running around.




          online pharmacy

          Sorry for your problems with Aclepsa...I've gotten two shipments from them with no real problems...only possible problem is different branding and the way the package their shipments...not much care in their for the branding...not sure of the quality on the second shipment...just doesn't seem to have the same "punch" as the first shipment...seem to get more cravings even though I am taking a higher dosage which is really strange...I am up to 200mg a day and though I was AF I am now moderating.
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


            online pharmacy

            Dayzee, I am still at 25mg for 7 days today. No side effects to speak of so far. I go up to 50 tomorrow, I'll let you know how that feels.
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              online pharmacy

              thanks, glad you dont have any side effects!!



                online pharmacy


                I have to say that I went with River and ordered from the UK last week. They arrived today a week before their estimate. I am still terrified to use them but having tried sups and willpower I know this is the way to go. It would be easier if we could get support form am MD in the UK but that is a no go for us - oh well I will keep my questions for those wonderful people on here who are using Topa!


                  online pharmacy

                  River Pharmacy

                  So it sounds like you got the real thing from River Pharmacy. Are you not going to your doctor? I'm just curious. I just found this program yesterday.

