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how do we get started?

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    how do we get started?

    I am sittin here just wonderin how we start to tackle this "thing". I have tried to quit so very many times and never gor further than 2 days AF. pathetic. I know we av all the tools an I am tryin to use them , but I am wonderin... do you avoid alcohol in every possible way.:-ie, not havin it in the house at all, or do you have it there but resolve not to be tempted. I know if its there I will drink it. I also dont understand how i can be so strong in the mornin an then give in around 5pm. its as tho i suddenly panic an think oh my god i have to get it now or it will be too late. God I hate this...
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

    how do we get started?

    Hi Maxieann,

    welcome, you are describing me exactly !! I only drank in the evening and in the morning I would say I'm not drinking tonight, then by late afternoon I would be panicking about how much money I had to go and buy and I had better go quick and get it !!

    I decided to join (as a lurker !! - sounds horrible) the 30 day af thread and after the first 2 weeks I was OK. I didn't have any drink in the house at all, my husband doesn't drink, so it was OK from that angle.(my kids too young to drink).

    I didn't use cd's, drugs or herbal meds - nothing except this forum, but here I am
    3 months later, still af.

    I just decided my body and my family had had enough, I lost loads of weight and feel better, so I can't advise you on which way to use, but just want to say, stay positive and keep tuning in here, let us know how you are doing .

    Good Luck
    Diamond x
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe


      how do we get started?

      Hi Maxianne,
      I have been af for 5 months now, which is a miracle. My husband drinks red wine and beer
      but in the very early days we didn't keep it in the house, but now we do, and I'm fine with
      it, I don't keep spirits in though for some reason that scares me.
      I have followed mwo book, i.e. topa for 3 months and I still take kudzu and Lglutamine.
      I would suggest you try to do what you feel comfortable with, that's what I have done
      and it works for me, it can be trial and error to begin with, but if you really want to stop
      you will.
      Best of luck Paula.x


        how do we get started?

        Hi Max.
        Your among friends! So much knowledge here. Post & Read! We're here to help, as you help us! :welcome: IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          how do we get started?

          maxine;167425 wrote: I am sittin here just wonderin how we start to tackle this "thing". I have tried to quit so very many times and never gor further than 2 days AF. pathetic. I know we av all the tools an I am tryin to use them , but I am wonderin... do you avoid alcohol in every possible way.:-ie, not havin it in the house at all, or do you have it there but resolve not to be tempted. I know if its there I will drink it. I also dont understand how i can be so strong in the mornin an then give in around 5pm. its as tho i suddenly panic an think oh my god i have to get it now or it will be too late. God I hate this...
          Hi Maxine,

          Just wanted to say- no matter where you are and how well you do, don't think of yourself or your pattern as 'pathetic'- it's not pathetic, it's just where you are. If that's not where you want to be, than take steps to improve it. But don't beat yourself up! Many heavy drinkers, myself included, have had exactly the same pattern. I know all to well what you're describing.

          The way to start, for me, was definitely to not keep alcohol in the house. That would derail my recovery instantly. I also avoided bars and 'took some time off' from hanging with some drinker buddies. Not that I swore them all off completely, but just took some time to get on my feet and more strong in recovery.

          Then, I started the MWO program- supps, hypno CD's, and Naltrexone instead of Topa at my MD's and psychologist's reccomendation.

          I've found some real progress! It does get easier, with these tools. I still lapse from time to time but my overall drinking has diminished significantly. I think that recovery is a journey, not an instant cold-turkey type miracle of determination. At least for me.

          I described in more detail my findings here, if you or anyone is interested...

          Good luck, don't lose hope!!!


            how do we get started?

            Hi, don't beat yourself up. We are all in the same boat. No one knows why and how it got started, but we realize we have a problem with alcohol. I've tried AA twice, and failed both times. This seems to be helping me. I have been getting up in the am, and saying this is an AF day or this is a moderation day, no drunk days. I am having a little trouble with moderation days. I believe that it is because my tolerance is so high. So, I have decided to do the thirty days AF. It's just thirty days. I am not giving it up forever. I can do this. I don't like to say I will never drink again, becuse forever may change. I want to be able to have a glass of wine with dinner, like non problem drinkers. I want to be "normal", not alcoholic. Anyway, keep reading the post, it really helps to know you are not alone.


              how do we get started?

              I think it's a journey that everyone is on and for everyone it's different as everyone's life is different. We all have a different story on how we got here and we are all going to have a different story on how we go on from here. I decided to tackle this thing in January after seriously being unaware and unaccountable of my life for five years of my life. No I'm not where I want to be right now and you'd think it would be so easy once you make up you're mind but it's not. Good luck and don't beat you're self up cause you don't measure up to your goals just be glad that you want to "tackle this thing".

