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Alcohol warning for older drinkers

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    Alcohol warning for older drinkers

    Associate Press Article - on Yahoo News 22 July 2007

    Age-based drinking guidelines should be introduced to protect consumers' health, says an expert.

    Recommended maximum intakes should factor in age as well as gender, according to Mary Gilhooly, professor of gerontology at Brunel University.

    Baby boomers are likely to drink more alcohol in old age than previous generations because they have always done so, she warned.

    That could create problems because age affects the body's ability to metabolise alcohol. Older people have higher blood alcohol levels after drinking the same amount as younger consumers, previous research has shown.

    In many cases the elderly should be advised not to drink at all, according to Prof Gilhooly who is director of the Brunel Institute of Ageing Studies.

    She said: "Middle-aged and older people need to be aware of the impact of ageing on alcohol metabolism. They need to reduce alcohol consumption levels with age."

    She said recommended drinking levels were currently set too high for many older people. And that could become more acute if baby boomers did not cut their alcohol consumption in old age.

    Prof Gilhooly said further research was needed into what the new alcohol consumption guidelines for older people should be. Her comments follow a report on alcohol and ageing last year.

    The Department of Health recently changed its advice for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. Otherwise, women should drink no more than two or three units of alcohol per day, according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA). That rises to three to four units per day for men.

    One unit is half a pint of standard strength (3% to 5% ABV) beer, lager or cider, or a pub measure of a spirit. A glass of wine is about two units.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Alcohol warning for older drinkers

    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Alcohol warning for older drinkers

      Well, then spread the word, I says. We know, we suffer, forward to friends, that's all I can say.
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Alcohol warning for older drinkers

        I did not know this, but it makes sense. My dad has always been a heavy drinker, but it seems like only recently that I've seen him get really sloppy drunk sometimes. And, my mom recently insisted that he cut back to no more than one bottle of wine per night. She actually quit drinking alltogether because if she has one glass out of his bottle, he opens another. My dad will be 70 next year and I'm sure this is too much drinking, but he's been a heavy drinker his whole life (probably technically a 'functioning alcoholic') who's managed to avoid serious consequences or claim it as a 'problem'. Sometimes I wonder if he is as miserable inside as I was when I was drinking heavily, though.

