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    Hi all been reding / resareching about naltrexone . will not bore you with in depth details of my issues with alchol ( but happy to share details if anybody wants to know ) . But after rersearch etc felt that nalte was the drug that could possible help me. Ordered it online did not want to go to the doctors did not cost a fortune and it arrives in a matter of days from River Pharmacy.

    Though it might be an idea to log a diary of how its was for me starting out on nalte thought it might help others as thats the best thing aobut being on here you know what ever you are going though u r not alone . so here is my experience starting from today

    Took half a nalte tablet ( 25mg) at approx 7pm as going out to dinner with friends at 9pm usually a nerve racking frightening experience for me , spend my time worried sick that i will drink to much say do something to embarras myself feel relly ill the next day and not be able to remember most of it, all in all like living with the devil on your shoulder !

    was really apprehensive taking a new drug .

    went out to dinner had one barcardi and coke and three glasses of wine did not really want the last two but felt i was carrying out an experiment. Was really amazed that could enjoy the drink ( I drink as i like the taste not the effect) but no effect or desire to carry on drinking even left some of the last glass of wine !!! normally after three glasses i would be planning the next three !!. and the next three after that !!!

    do feel a bit nauseaus but that could be down to the large meal and feeling very tired struggling to keeo typing but want to share this experience .

    On first outing a positive experience

    will keep you posted x x

    ps my mouth also feels a bit dry but will have a glass of water and a sleep and see what tomorrow brings !

    Love hope and hapiness to all on here this place has helped me so much thank you to all the brave people who come on here and contribute x x:thanks:


    Hi Daisy,
    I am picking up my Naltrexone at the PO tomorrow. It came pretty quickly as well. I was a little worried when I read it was in customs. I have 8 days AF and am hoping the Nal-T will help me with cravings. I came very close to buying some wine today. Did you find it help with wanting to drink or just the effects?

    Good luck with your journey

    AM --- willing to try anything!



      the MWO member Adagirl has written a lot about this. You should look up her threads, in the meds section.




        Iam;173450 wrote: Hi Daisy,
        I am picking up my Naltrexone at the PO tomorrow. It came pretty quickly as well. I was a little worried when I read it was in customs. I have 8 days AF and am hoping the Nal-T will help me with cravings. I came very close to buying some wine today. Did you find it help with wanting to drink or just the effects?

        Good luck with your journey

        AM --- willing to try anything!
        Did you have any trouble picking up your meds? I am worried too. I just ordered online, but I am desperate. I do not want to go to MD. But I want the opportunity to try this med (in privacy) and not have my med recs scarred. I have been researching Nal-trex and other meds for months - scared beyond belief. I decided to go on and try it since I found this site just last week. I have hope now. Maybe alcohol will not destroy me now.



          I've been having some real success with Naltrexone. Both my MD and my psychologist reccomended them to me, for those who are scared to ask their doc about it- both of mine view it favorably.

          I just wrote up my recent findings here...

