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    Well I just dropped off my new prescripts at the pharmacy. I had a discussion with the doc about my fears of drinking again and being the lunatic I am already. OR at least that is how I have been feeling with this depression and anxiety.

    I have to say that I am very lucky. I have the most compassionate doctor in the world. He assured me I will not go insane and this I am truly grateful for :H !

    He gave me a prescrip for Epival. It is used for people who are prone to seizures, bi-polar and people with bi-polar/alcoholism. I am very excited at the prospect this drug could be for me. He says it acts very quickly. It is a mood stabilizer.

    He also gave me a prescrip for a low dose anti depressant - Trazodone. This will help with sleep apparently as well. I am to take this before I go to bed as it is sedating.

    And last but not least good ol' Atavan. I declined this in the ER a few weeks back because the attending doctor said it was addicting. Anyway, I wish I had of had it after the last 5 weeks. My doctor has given me a prescrip for 30 - and will be monitoring me so I feel OK about taking them. Anything for relief other than alcohol.

    He is also booking me into to see a Psychiatrist. It takes a while to get in but at least things are going forward. Feeling relieved. I see my doctor in 6 days to see how things are going. He is really, really a good doc, man!

    So my counter will look like a pharmacy but at this point I don't care. Anything, anything but booze!


    Am so pleased to hear that your doc paid you proper care and attention and has prescribed meds to address your problems.

    I feel for you as you`ve had such a scary time lately with the anxiety. My anxiety also means I can go into panic mode for weeks at a time.
    Hope you are much better soon.

    Starlight Impress x



      I've never heard of epival, but pls keep me informed as I also suffer many of the same as you. As I mentioned before, the ativan is good for a quick fix, when you feel that desperate panic/anxiety feeling in your stomach-- use it sparingly (half a gram is strong enough) and wisely and it will not become an addiction.

      I've also heard of Trazodone and know people who have used it for years for insomnia without any major side effects.

      And yes, anything is better than the booze.

      good luck!
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        Sounds like the Epival is going to act like the Topamax because they are both mood stabalizers, and anti seizure meds. I agree with Beatle on the ativan. Be careful, it can become addictive, but yes, great for anxiety for the short run for immidiate relief of anxiety. I have been perscribed trazadone now for many years and it is the only one of the "calming" drugs I took, and I say took because I went off of all the addictive ones recently and having a heck of a time doing it...esp the anti-depressants, anyway, Trazadone has been my saving grace with the anxiety and the alchohol because it is not as wicked and not addictive to the body, although it does contain a boost in the seratonin dept. Basically it has been the least of all evils and I have been assured that if I take it I will not have withdrawls or get "hooked" on it like the benzo"s (ativan, valium, klonapin, xaxax.) Believe me I know how it feels when you are jumping out of your skin and you think you are going to have a heart attack if you dont have a glass of wine. I have checked with a few docs and all have told me the same about trazadone and i I have been chipping off pieces off my nighttime doses when I get bad anxiety during the day. The Gaba seems to work too. So does calms forte. Good luck and keep us posted.




          Good luck accountable, your doctor sounds, proactive, by prescribing ativan (lorazepam)
          which can be addictive but used wisely can be very useful. He is obviously looking afteryou.
          Good luck. Paula.x



            I have to say that the Epival and Trazadone are helping me immensley. The first night on these I had only one anxiety attack and it wasn't nearly as bad as the rest have been the last 7 weeks. I didn't bother with the Atavan as this attack I could shake within minutes. (Thank goodness!)

            I haven't had an attack since Thursday night and have managed to get a good nights sleep since then as well.

            I am feeling like a bazillion bucks the last few days. I am so happy to finally (fingers crossed) see the light at the end of this tunnel.



              Terrific new, AFM! I'm so glad that these meds are working for you, espec. w/o the Ativan!!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012



                Hi Accountable, I'm so glad you have a doc that is caring and validates your position. Trazedone has been a great help for me. Ativan makes you feel so good, it's scary, so use with caution. You sound great, and am pulling for you. :h
                Enlightened by MWO



                  Ativan has been a lifesaver for me on occasion, but I am always very careful with it because of it's addictive properties. If you keep it to 1/2 once a week, or even twice, you will not get addicted, says my doctor.

                  But two warnings about Ativan from my experience: 1) If you are tired to begin with when you take it, it will make you very drowsy-- really knocked out (no wonder it is also prescribed for insomnia); 2) Mixed with alcohol, the effect is about 10 times stronger-- really not a good idea to mix them at all. I have blacked out on just one half gram ativan mixed with just one drink. Don't do it.

                  It is also used to get off alcohol--- it apparently reduces withdrawal symptoms and is an anti-convulsant.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                    Atavan and the thought of taking it scares me. I don't like the feeling of being in a coma or else I would of taken up Pot LOL! I would take it if I had another anxiety attack that was as bad as the others, but so far I have managed to avoid it. My anxiety is completely gone in just a few days!

                    The other two prescips I am taking are working very effectively for me. I have absolutely no cravings (emotionally or physically) to drink. I am feeling a lot better comparatively speaking.

                    My hubby came home yesterday with alcohol :durn: (after he said he was quitting too) and I had no inkling for it even though I was bored and restless. I think the 7 months of being mostly AF really has helped me set back onto my journey of sobriety. With the attacks gone and the depression subsiding, I am all gung ho and don't need to resort to the alcohol for relief.

                    I have to hide the Atavan though. He is a pill popper when it can get him high, relaxed or whatever and asked me for one yesterday. So time to hide them. :H And no I didn't give him one.

