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Saw doc about anxiety...

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    Saw doc about anxiety...

    yesturday and told him my story about my withdrawal symptoms from everything which has been terrible anxiety and panic attacks. first, the withdrawal from alchohol was no picnic, but I dealt with that with my antidepressant (effexor) klonapin(benzo) and trazadone(for sleep, relaxation, mild, antidepressant,)...Now, for just about 3 weeks, I am totally off klonapin, down to half the effexor and we all know that is a horrid drug to get off, and trying to get off the trazadone slowly for it is making me sluggish and heavy...

    I expressed my feelings about not wanting to be "doped up" anymore but was concerned about the my heart wanting to jump out of my chest feeling. He said it sounded like alchohol withdrawal and i said no, already done is the effexor and he agreed that he has seen cases like that and he percribed me a beta-blocker called propranalol as needed 10mg. He said it was for "stage fright" and not addictive if used in this little dose and it did take away the jumpiness of my heartbeat!

    Has anyone heard of this drug? I know many of you have doc appointments coming up and maybe you can mention this to see what they have to say as this is a common drug used for blood pressure I believe...Paula?

    thanx, Cap(Mary)

    Saw doc about anxiety...

    Cap I have not heard of that drug but I did take Effexor and also had a terrible time getting off of it. I had what are called brain zaps (electrical shocklike sensations in your head when you move) for about 6 weeks! I won't say I will never try another antidepressant, but I will NOT take Effexor again. Hope the other med helps you but just know that it can take weeks, even when you taper slowly, to get rid of the Effexor effects.


      Saw doc about anxiety...

      Hi Mary - Yes, I've heard of propanolol: it's used for over-active thyroid as well to control palpitations and anxiety until thyroid treatment kicks in. It's ok - I don't think (but I really am not sure so...) it's addictive, certainly in low does for short-term use and certainly not like effexor etc. anyway...!
      Ducky - yea! Whenever I came off citalopram even on an almost sub-clinically low dose years ago I had brain zaps...weird and not nice. They must be foul if on a higher dose! But they do pass and thanks for 'naming' them so well! I couldn't describe them to people but that's really succint!
      Good luck Mary and you sound to be in good hands and better off the things can do it!
      FMF x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Saw doc about anxiety...

        Hi ducky and FMF,

        Ducky, Thanx for the validation on the brain zaps...scary stuff!!! I am still half way off the taper down...112.5 mgs to go(2 more weeks)

        FMF, Glad you heard of has got to be better than trazadone because of the weight gain factor and all this talk about gaining is scaring me! Today, sofar, the prop has been working wonderfully and I have not had to take much at all

        thanx, mary


          Saw doc about anxiety...

          Hi Cap.

          Do you mean Propranolol? Inderal?

          It's a drug commonly given for high blood pressure, migraines and a few other things, as old as the hills.

          It is NOT addictive.

          So glad it's working for you!

          m. xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            Saw doc about anxiety...

            I take a beta-blocker for high blood pressure. On top of that I take Zoloft for depression.IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Saw doc about anxiety...

              Yes, I am happy to report it is working for me at a pretty low dose. I am taking 10 mg in morning and 10 in evening and use 50mg of trazadone to sleep instead of 150 trazadone throughout the day...big difference!

              Not having anxiety makes a big difference in the way you can go about your day and the whole thinking process...still have some but much more managable

              seems like a good short term solution for withdrawals and for future anxiety attacks since it works immidiately...better than the addicting alternatives(benzodiazapates) which are hard to get, and hell to get off of.


                Saw doc about anxiety...

                I was on Effexor for 2 years and tapered myself off on my own. I just started taking it every other day for a week then every three days for two weeks, then just quit. I had the zaps for about 2 weeks after quitting the Effexor. When I started having the nervous jitters and panic attacks after starting this program, I quit the Effexor right when I started this, my Dr. put me on Librium 10 mg. Works real well for me and is non addictive. I usually just take it when I can feel my nerves getting shot and within 10 minutes I am feeling fine again. So you may want to ask your Dr. about that.
                l ______
                /l ,[____],
                l---L -[]lllllll[]-
                ()_) ()_)----)_)

                Trill Recognizes Trill


                  Saw doc about anxiety...

                  Thanx NPGBI, I heard that Librium is good if used for a short while especially for alchohol withdrawal, but also addictive, and I do have an addictive personality!



                    Saw doc about anxiety...

                    I just bought some Inderal online to try to get off of Klonopin. I bought 90 pills, 20mg each for 30 bucks. Can I cut them in half you think? Thanks!
                    I hope the damn pills actually show up.
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      Saw doc about anxiety...


                      Did your doctor prescribe it?

                      It's an old drug, not addictive, but not benign either.

                      It's a cardiovascular drug and should not be taken with out your doctors knowlege.

                      NPGB1 -- Librium is very addictive.

                      Mother rant --off.

                      m. xx
                      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                      I am in the next seat.
                      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                        Saw doc about anxiety...

                        Well I am assuming it is Librium, I could be wrong. I thought it was just the generic version of it. My actual medication is called Chlordiazepoxide/Clidinium 10mg up to four times daily as needed for tremors. He knows I have an addictive personality as well. He did only give a ten day supply and one refill. He is the same Dr. that has the Vivitrol shot on order for me, so he knows what is going on with me. Sorry to have suggested something that was addictive, I had no idea.
                        l ______
                        /l ,[____],
                        l---L -[]lllllll[]-
                        ()_) ()_)----)_)

                        Trill Recognizes Trill


                          Saw doc about anxiety...

                          Don't be Sorry!

                          Librium is given over short periods of time for alcohol withdrawal.

                          I've taken it myself and found it to be very helpful. More so than any other medication actually, and by God I've got an addictive personality!

                          Best of luck to you NPGB1 !!

                          I'm glad you're here!

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Saw doc about anxiety...

                            Yes, NP...Librium was given to me in a rehab a while back for detox of alchol and benzo's. It is the safer alternative of all the other "addictic" drugs and should always be supervised by a doctor.

                            Happy Campers...My doctor perscribed me the propranalol or inderal and said it would be allright for my severe palpitations at 10mg AS NEEDED. It is working wonders for me and I am finding that I am using it less when i am feeling more relaxed, like when i exercise alot that day, or don't have alot of negative crap running around in my head(you know?) I was taking 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening at most...some days i only take 10 and i don't need anything else for anxiety the rest of the day.

                            That said...I would check with your doc because it Is a drug...I hate to preach..but I will because what is right for me might not be right for you. Research the drug at least on the net...It is given to people who have stage fright!



                              Saw doc about anxiety...

                              Hey all- I don't have any experience with the specific drugs you guys are mentioning but I just recently weened myself off of Zoloft and after a good month, am finally done with the 'brain zaps'. They were pretty consistent there for a few weeks, even though I weened myself off of them.

                              I am so convinced it was the right decision- I don't want to say that Zoloft made me drink more, but it sure dulled me to the point that I wasn't interested in life/hobbies etc. very much. I did find myself drinking more just to get a happier/excited/non-bored feeling that I was lacking. I do think that Zoloft played a part.

                              I don't think I was ever clinically depressed- I think I was having major depressed symptoms because of the alcohol abuse. So now that I'm having some success not drinking (pretty much thanks to Naltrexone, IMO) I am not feeling very depressed, and as such felt confident getting off of Zoloft.

                              I posted my recent findings here, if anyones' interested...

