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    I was just at my psychiatrists office and she prescribed effexor for anxiety and depression. I know there was I previous thread but I can't find it. Has anyone had experience w/ this drug and has it helped? Does it affect how much you want to drink and how long does it take to kick in? Any help would be appreciated!


    Yes, I am on it now. It has helped me but of course, I got the obligatory lecture about it can't work right if I am still drinking. I don't think I had any side effects, except when I stupidly ran out...DON"T DO THAT, there are big side-effects if once you have it in your system you run out.

    As to how long it takes to work, that varies. I am on 150mg but they usually don't start you on that. Good luck I hope you feel better soon.:l



      Ditto on what Hart said. I was on it for quite some time a couple years back. It didn't make me want to drink any more or less. My doctor said to me that it won't work if I am drinking - so I don't think I really gave it much of a chance. Be sure you don't run out! - the head 'zaps' started to happen for me after only missing two doses.

      Did they start you off at 37.5mg? That is where they started me for two weeks and it went to 75mg for two more and then to 150mg. Oh and it took about 4 weeks before I felt anything start to work.



        It turned me into a raving drunken lunatic, sorry, but I have nothing good to say about it! I'm not the only one either, there are a couple of threads about it on here somewhere, and you can also do a google search for effexor and alcohol. First time in my life that I had cravings and drank early in the day.



          Hi Samadhi, lots of patients I work with are on this drug ( aka venlafaxine)
          and it is very good. It can take up to two weeks to work. Usual starting dose
          75mg x twice a day. Your doctor should also monitor your blood pressure, as
          with all medication there are side effects drop in bp can be one, also dry mouth
          you may not get any but if you read the literature you will understand. It's a very
          safe antidepressant that's been used for a long time.
          Best of luck Paula. x



            I was told the same thing - accountable. 37.5 then 75 etc. And she told me that it could take 4 weeks to work, drinking will decrease it's effectiveness. I also googled and read threads about it increasing craving. However, my doctor knows I have a probem w/ alcohol, so I don't think she would have prescribed it if that was the case. Did you guys cut down on drinking when you were on it? It so was it easier to do while on the meds?



              Sheshe's reaction very unusual. Iv'e never come across it.



                It didn't decrease my drinking. I wasn't drinking more on it either. Honestly, at the time, I really didn't give it much of a chance. If I had the knowledge a few years back as I do today about the effects of medication and drinking I would of made more of an effort while on it. I was on it for about a year and a half and switched over to paxil (which increased my drinking)

                I think it can be very effective if you use it properly, like all prescrips. It is very 'popular' and it is very strong/effective! Follow your doc's advice and see how it works for you. and like most of the other SSRI's it does take about 4ish+ weeks to start feeling anything unless you are 'sensitive' to it. So be patient and see how you feel in a few weeks.



                  Thanks everyone for your replies! Much appreciiated - have a great day!



                    I think Effexor is one evil drug, but that's because I had to deal with two weeks of discontinuation syndrome and it didn't work for me. Not everyone, of course, deals with that and I was just one of the unfortunate ones.



                      I've been on it for about 3 years now, when I was still drinking it didn't make any difference to a)how I drank and its affects, or b) its effectiveness.

                      Have to agree with the side effects if you miss more than one dose however, lord it makes you feel awful. I've been wondering how I might ever get off it to be honest, although my GP won't let me just yet.
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....



                        I was on Effexor for many years and I've been trying to get off of it for the last month! Very evil drug. Not to taken lightly, and consider a life altering event coming off the drug. Doctors don't tell you everything!

                        Effexor turned me into a dummy, I did not drink any less, and you should not drink with any antidepressant. Please read and ask questions...don't assume your doctor knows everything.Get a second opinion from another if possible!

                        Sorry to sound so angry...but if I can help someone NOT go through what I am going through...I will.




                          Just tried to PM you Capricorn - wanted to know more about how you are getting of it and what is involved.
                          It always seems impossible until it's done....



                            Yep - I agree! You can also do a Google search for "Effexor Petition" - it has something like 11,000 signatures. I wish I could find the threads here about it to link to.



                              expect a week of sweaty nights an headaches if you do not ween yourself properly
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

