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Started Topa this week

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    Started Topa this week

    Hi guys

    I started taking topamax exactly one week ago today (Friday, Aug. 17 - that's today). I'm not sure why, because I have been pretty successful without it. I just wanted to try it because I have heard so much about it. I still have cravings. I just want to see how it goes.

    I have only been doing 25 mg per day for the last 7 days. At first, I felt nothing, but for the last few days, right after I took them I felt extremely light headed - almost frightfully so. Tonight I am dosing up to 50 mg. I don't know what to expect. I hope I can tolerate it. I don't eat a lot and tend to be quite sensitive to drugs. I am also doing abs and have been for quite a while, so hope I can get by with a low dose.

    If anyone is interested, I'll let you guys know how it goes. This is a real experiment for me, but I figure I will try it. I bought the topa from River Pharmacy - very easy but not at all cheap. I don't like my doctor and don't think he would be very helpful.

    We'll see. I'm sure it works. I'm not sure if I can tolerate it.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    Started Topa this week

    Mags: If you're already abs, I wouldn't bump the topo up too much unless, you're having a lot of of problems with cravings. I was on the research thread and there is some interesting info there. I was surprised to find that topo can interfere with birth control pills, not a problem for me, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere here.

    I'm at 75mg/day and have been abs for a week. My plan right now is to stay at that dose. Some of the other threads are saying that topo is found to be effective at lower doses.

    Best Wishes


      Started Topa this week

      Hello Mags, when you were taking only 25 mg after a few days did the cravings go away for you ? I'll be interested to see how this goes for you... Thanks for sharing with all of us... Hugs,

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Started Topa this week

        Hey Mags..

        I am also going to up my dose to 50mgs tomorrow night. I have decided to do all my doses at night, not split it am/pm like in the book. I did that first time around and could not function at all during the day. So, I cleaned it out of my system for a few weeks and have been on 25mgs for a week. Are you going to do your doses just at night, too? I'll watch for your progress.... I'll post, too...

        good luck!

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Started Topa this week

          Mags, I, too, started Topa a month ago. When I got to 75 mg it was not good. It actually made me very depressed. I am curious why you are trying it out? Has abs been difficult for you lately? I am not going to do topa again and will get more serious about my supps and CDs, which worked VERY well for me before. The key is being consistent.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Started Topa this week

            MM I find that I must take it only at night. If I take it even only 25 mg in p the morning, it just makes me too loopy and weird for a while.

            Lushy - I don't know why I am trying it really. Some of it is just curiosity. And some of it is that yes, I still do have cravings even after several years essentially AF and taking kudzu, glutamine, and GABA in pretty high doses every day. I wish everyone would stop saying they think I am some kind of success, because the truth is, I would drink every day if I could. But I know I can't so i don't. The fact is I am tired of the struggle. I thought it would be easier by now. If the topa can ease up the struggle a bit, then that would be good. I am so tired of having to slay the same dragon every day only to have him return again tomorrow. Every day is day number one again. I'm a tough lady, but I am getting tired. I figure with all this hard work over the years, it must get easier. If the topa can make it easier, then I'll do it.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Started Topa this week

              Mags, I am very interested in finding out how you are doing with the Topa. I am a bit afraid to take anything, some of the side effects sound bad. Eye problems, hair loss, yuck! But I know what you mean about slaying that same old dragon. It sure would be nice to just not want to drink....ever! I am ok right now, but I know that in a few days, I will be thinking that I haven't really got a problem, and will be tempted. I have the CD's, and they work if you listen to them, but that's another problem. Having an hour a day to myself, a quiet hour is hard to find. Please keep us posted! Buffy


                Started Topa this week

                Mags... I completely understand where you are coming from!!!!!!.. The struggle SUCKS!!!! Being tough is one thing, and not drinking is great, but I am also tired of the thoughts .. the craving/thinking committee that I have to bash down so I don't drink. I can win this, just like you, but I want to have a normal life where I don't have to "think" about it every evening. If there is something that takes that away so we can go on with a normal day WITHOUT having to slay that dragon, then I am with you - I am going to try it too. There was a gal on her that gave me my inspiration, and it worked for her. Anyway, I am going up to 50mgs tonight and let's see how it goes. I am hoping to stay there at 50mgs. Stay in touch!

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Started Topa this week

                  Mags, I started my second week of Topa yesterday and titrated up to 50 mgs. I've been trying to follow the program exactly the way RJ recommends in her book. I drank the first day I took topa but have been AF since. Yesterday I took my first 25 mgs of Topa in the morning but around 2 in the afternoon I developed a strong craving. I thought I was in big trouble until I took the afternoon dose. The Topa kicked in big time and I was AF for Sunday.

                  Luckily, I've had no adverse effects so far. I also ordered from River Pharmacy and was satisfied with the experience. So far for me, the Topa was well worth the the money and I have a week of being AF under my belt. Good luck to you and every one else who is fighting this terrible addiction.
                  Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                    Started Topa this week

                    Mags: I'm including a couple of Links that I found on the research thread. I would suggest that since Topo enchnces the effects of GABA you may want to consider cutting back on that and additionally that you not take your entire dose of topo once a day.

                    I know the spacieness is a pain but it does not last forever and there are supportive meds from nubrain that you can take that help. Trust me I know how bad bad can be. I didn't think I could make it through last week, between the topo dopa and physical whithdrawl I was a hot mess. Genius that I am, it took me to midweek to realize that I was exihibiting classic symptoms of depression also, but by the end of the week those had cleared.

                    I really would encourage both you mags and you medma to give the topa a sincere try. I've tried to white knuckle it myself way too many times and sometimes the battle just wears you down. How can you go on to build a happy healthy, productive life when you're still fighting the dragons every day.

                    Chronic alcohol abuse changes the structure and function in parts of the brain. That's where the topomax helps and it really has taken away my cravings away altogether. Ok off my soapbox.
                    Topiramate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                    UVa Center for Addition Research and Education


                      Started Topa this week

                      Hey Mags,

                      I just started Topa as well. It will not take away the full cravings. That is why you need the L-Gute and Kudzu. Listen to your body. Everybody is different. The Topa will take away the "high" you get when drinking though. Basically, drinking becomes sort of useless. : ) Good luck!
                      Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

                      - John Heywood


                        Started Topa this week

                        MAGS, MM, RVM14136
                        Hey ya'all - we are at exactly the same place. I started topa one week ago today as well after doing the sups, cd's, etc for about 6 months with on and off success. Tired of slaying the dragon and hoping that the topa and a huge positive and can- do attitude on my part will do it this time. I am really, really committed. Going up to 50 mg tonight. The cravings were gone after 2 days and have been AF since. Overall feel great, maybe more tired but trying not to over analyze every little symptom I might have. Let's stay together on this and keep each other going!
                        Aloha, WW


                          Started Topa this week

                          Hi guys checking back in. Today is Aug. 24. I upped my topa dose to 50 mg exactly one week ago today. I kept my GABA at 1000 mg per day and my L-glutamine at 2000 mg and my kudzu at 1200 mg per day.

                          I have been AF this week, have not had any real cravings, but I can go a week without cravings so I can't really judge by that. I have to make that judgement over the long term, but it feels promising. I definitely feel side effects, though. Basically, I feel like crap. I feel tired all day - like I haven't slept in days and actually feel kind of depressed - like not wanting to do anything - no energy. I only get a dopa type feeling for about hour after I take it so I only take it at night. I can't stand this tired feeling, but I'm going it try it for a few months and see how it goes. It's not terrible.

                          I'm doing abs, so I'm going to keep the dose at 50 mg for a while and see how I do. I'm scared of making the side effects worse and I'll see if I can get the cravings down. Besides, it's expensive (I order from riverpharmacy). My husband is not the least bit happy about my buying it.

                          Anyhow, that's my story. Let me know how you guys are doing. I'm going to stick with this at least for a while.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Started Topa this week

                            Hey guys!

                            I just got back from a weekend trip and forgot my topa - AND I DEFINATELY felt a difference! I had cravings on Friday and again tonight. I'm home and took my topa, but I didn't realize what it was over the weekend (i'm not good about remembering to take pills when I'm not on my regular schedule). Anyway, I'm really edgy tonight, so I took a valerian and I will hit the sack early. That is MY WAY OUT of hard night these early days - on day 10! back in town and back on topa - for now, for me it is working.

                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Started Topa this week

                              Hey guys,

                              today is the 28th and just checking in. Up to 75 mgs and just starting to feel the side effects. My beloved diet coke tastes like crap and one swig of beer tastes like crap (thats a good thing), red wine tastes like not what I remember (thats also a good thing) and I feel just a bit loopy - more that usual my husband would say. We have a huge and I mean huge party coming up at our house this weekend. 50 - 75 adults to celebrate my husbands 50th birthday. It is a surprise party. Just finished buying 50 bottles of wine and I vow to not have one drop. I have two friends that are going to go through this party with me sober and we will do IT!!!! the topa will help since my desire to drink is much less. Wish me luck and I will check in after the party. ANy left over wine, will disappear with the guests! Aloha, WW Hope you are doing well! Keep in touch as we all go though these first weeks together.

