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Started Topa this week

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    Started Topa this week

    I asked this on a separate thread but haven't received an what time do you take you your topamax?


      Started Topa this week

      I take my 50mgs at 4:30-5pm each day.. that is about an hour befor my bewitching hour. I tried taking it in two doses am/pm, but I just can't function during the day with it.. It makes me a bit sleepy in the evenings, but I find that to be a good thing - keeps me in a calmer place...
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Started Topa this week

        Hi Whalewatcher, I started on 75 mg on Sunday and so far so good. I do seem to feel a little bit more tired but no other symptoms as of yet. I stumbled a bit on 50 mg, but still drank less beer than normal. I would love to stay on 75 mg and not go up. We shall see. Good luck with your party. Good luck to you too, Meditation Mama.
        Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


          Started Topa this week


          Just wanted to thank you Mags for this thread and all who have posted. I tried Topa but had really bad pins and needles (almost painful) and it made me very cranky, almost like I had bad PMT. I've read a few things on a migarine forum about it causing changes in mood and maybe it just didn't mix well with me SSRI's, either that or maybe it was just a particulary hormonal month for me.

          I'm going to give it another go though. I've heard that poeple's side effects can differ greatly so I'm hopeful that I will be able to tolerate it better a second time around.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Started Topa this week

            Thanks, Rob2! Let me know how you like 75mgs... Do you take it all in the evening, or am/pm? I am really glad you jumped right back on the horse!! You are a rock star!!

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Started Topa this week

              Hi everybody

              Thanks for keeping up with this thread. It really helps me to know what others are going through. This topa thing is still kind of an experiment for me. Today is Aug. 28 and I've been on 50 mg for about 10 days. My initial feelings of tiredness seem to have gone. It's 7:30 at night here and I just took 75 mg for the first time - I'm not sure why since I've been doing fine on 50. I think I am just sort of curious. I'll probably just try it for a few days then go back to 50 since that seems to be enough for me. But I don't notice a HUGE effect on cravings at 50 - just some effect. I'm just going to see how this goes for a while.

              Kitty, when you tried it the first time, did you dose up very slowly? I've been told by many people that it is very important to start at 25 and then go up no faster than 25 mg per week until you get to the point where you feel it is helping but the side effects go away after two weeks. Maybe you should give it another try, but do it very slowly. Let us know how it goes. Rob and WW and MM - sounds like things are going great. Keep in touch.

              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                Started Topa this week

                Hey Mags!

                The Topa is still definately an experiment for me, too. I did a BAD experiment with it when I first got it back in March. I followed the book exactly and uped my dose to 175mgs, taking half in the am and half in the pm. I thought I was going to DIE! It was terrible.. I felt like I was being poisoned! It was WAY too much for me. I could feel it coming out my pores and smell it in my pee (sorry for the graphics). Anyway, I came off it and cleaned it out of my system for a month (and drank to much). So, this time, with the suggestions from my doctor, I am going to just take at night and really feel my body out to see when enough is enough. I am hoping to stay at 50mgs, but 75mgs isn't out of the question. I am still having some cravings, but it is only day 11 for me, so I am going to give it another week before I decide to go up. I am pretty tired at night after taking it and i really don't want that to last forever. Can't wait until the side effects wear off...Let me know how you feel on 75mgs.. Good luck!!

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Started Topa this week


                  I have been trying to get on Riverpharmacy's website to order some meds. I haven't been able to get on the website. I just freezes on me. Anyone else having problems with that site. I could use some help.
                  Blessings, Angel


                    Started Topa this week

                    Hey, Starlight.. I got mine from my doc.. It was easier than I thought, MUCH cheaper through my insurance, and I got it the same day I went in. Just a thought....

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Started Topa this week


                      I ordered mine from River Pharmacy just a few days ago without a problem. They emailed me back, and said I should have them by the second week of September. And I havent't gotten any junk mail from them since. Keep trying. I'm alittle afraid of taking a drug without a doctor's care, but its not like I haven't been prescribed other things (anti-depressants and sleep aids) without any real concern from my doctor. I hope that I am not fooling myself that I can trade the use of one drug for another. But I am definitely going to give it a try. And I am definitely going to dose up slowly. Good luck (and kudos on 30 days AF).



                        Started Topa this week

                        Hi Mags

                        I am not as far along as you are with the abs but I really know how you feel. I quit for 5 years and never ever could "float downstream".I craved alc almost everyday and fought the idea I could never drink again and eventually started again. I am ready to quit/drastically cut back and am on my 4th week of Topa. I take mine in the morning and before bed. I am not on the supps (I was worried they were starting to make my feet not so pleasant -sorry- anyone else experience that?)but have started listening to the tapes and they are a must for me now. I am so stubborn if I can't have it I want it more. I go on a diet -I eat a whole cheesecake by day three. This time with topa I am counting on it to make that craving or drink, like broccoli in the fridge, - I don't crave it. Gee I was blaming the spacey on mental pause. Topa - that's my excuse and I'm stickin with it!

                        Don't know if I would up myself to 75 if I were doing ok on 50mg. I was thinking of doing that because I am still drinking but then again I think my problem is more of my attitude and not cravings right now. Will be curious to know if anything changes for you.


                          Started Topa this week

                          Meditation Momma, I am on 75 mgs, am on my third week, and have titrated by the the book. I had strong cravings at 50 mg and went off the wagon, fairly moderately for 3 days.
                          I started 75 on Sunday and take 25 in the morning and 50 in the afternoon. I am determined to make it work this time.
                          I ordered from River Pharmacy and it took just under 3 weeks. I will order from them again. Good luck Julie, Mags and Starlight. Hope this all works for us.
                          Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                            Started Topa this week

                            I have been on topamax for a couple of months started out at fifty and ended up at 100mgs. I drank every day. A fifth and sometimes beer. I also Dabbled in drugs. Topamax was prescribed to me by comprehend which I have to go to for drug and alcohol abuse. Yes there are side effects. I just consider the ones where I made a butt out of myself when I got drunk, or high. I enjoy life, and my children now. The topamax helped me lose a few pounds gain my dignity back. My cravings went away almost instantly. Good Luck to all. Life is better through clear eyes. If I can do it I know any one can.


                              Started Topa this week

                              Welcome annamarie. So happy to see you joining our family at MWO. I see that you just joined today. That is an amazing story about topa. How long have you been taking it? What are your side effects?

                              I have been at 75 mg for a few days now and I feel great. No side effects that I can detect - to dopa's and no tiredness out of the ordinary as far as I can tell. But I think I can detect a most definite and sharp decline in cravings. Probably the least I have ever felt in as long as I can remember. I feel like if I were sitting here all by myself with a drink in my hand, I wouldn't care at all if I drank it or just poured it out. We'll see how this goes, but I am starting to feel really good about this.

                              Starlight, I don't know why you are having problems with River. My experience with them was very good and I had no trouble with their website. They also have an 800 number. I'll post in on here tonight so check back here later. I didn't go to my doctor because I don't really like him and don't know if he would prescribe it - would probably just give me a lecture, and I don't want alcoholism on my medical records. So I just use

                              Now I am thinking of going to 100 in a week for two reasons:
                              1. I feel so great on 75, why not try 100 - but that is absolutely the max I will try.
                              2. It's cheaper. If you check River's website, it is much cheaper to take one 100 mg tablet than three 25 mg tablets every day - MUCH cheaper.

                              I'll definitely stay ata 75 for another week though. I hope I continue to feel this good.

                              Keep in touch........................
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                                Started Topa this week

                                Annamarie, I hope you post back - that is so wonderful how your life has changed. Do you think it is the topa or a combination of everything? I only ask for myself, and I just admire anybody so much that could make such a turn around like you obviously have. How great to see life as it really is, instead of through that fuzz of alcohol.

                                The topa bugs the heck out of me and makes my skin just crawl and doesn't seem to help the cravings at all, I am at 50 mg, titrated up from 25 in one week. My drinking has decreased by a third, I would say, but I want it to be under my total control, without having to think about it. And it's not, I still want to drink more than I should.

                                Thanks for keeping this thread active, Mags. I am just having the time to look around the forum. I can't stand the icky skin crawly feeling topa is giving me. I so wanted it to work. Sigh. Hope you are having the start of a great weekend! Much

