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Starting on a new list of meds

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    Starting on a new list of meds

    I simply could not tolerate the topa. It affected me mentally in ways that is actually hurting my work. I titrated down slowly and got off of it.

    However, I did not want to give up, so I went back to my doctor. He was very kind. I explained that the few days I have done AF has really pointed out that anxiety is a big piece of my problem.

    So, he has put me on Campral, Naltroxene and Lexapro.

    He has told me the Lexapro will not kick in for 4 to 7 weeks, so I will have to tough out the anxiety part for a while.

    However, I am hopeful that the Campral and Naltrexone will help me through these early days.

    Wish me luck, everyone, I am so determined to get to the Long Term AF stage!!

    (I also do the l-glut, the kudzu doesn't help me at all.)

    AF April 9, 2016

    Starting on a new list of meds

    Good luck with those DB,

    I encountered some problems with Topa too but have read often that peoples experiences with it differs when they try a second time. I have some left so may try again.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Starting on a new list of meds

      Hi Deebee,

      That's a really similar mix to what I was on when I was able to pull it together and stop drinking. I started on Naltrexone, then moved to Campral - had been on anti-depressants anyway.

      The campral is a really excellent drug for stopping cravings dead in thier tracks. I've just come of it, after 8 months, and have NO cravings at all.

      The Lexapro will really help with the anxiety, and the similar craving feeling.
      It always seems impossible until it's done....

