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Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

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    Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

    I've nearly destroyed my marriage and my job and have lost a friend or two with many probably still considering dropping me. I need help. I tried AA and frankly I'm just not religious and could not get into it. I ordered topamax from medsmex. I hope they are reliable. I have ordered thyroid drugs from them before. I am wondering if anyone has taken adrafinil and if so where did you get it from? I'm debating if I should just call a Dr and see if I can get it the legit way but figured my insurance probably will not cover it and am concerned about my job finding out. I would appreciate any advice. I really need to quit drinking. Near desperate. I have so many people angry with me about my drinking. My sister doesn't want me near her newborn. I am heartbroken and really need to quit but have such a hard time doing so. Anyone know any Dr's in Chicago who are helpful and follow this program. Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

    Hey CD and welcome. I get my adrafinil from nubrain. I don't know about the other place that you mentioned.

    Have you checked out the getting started thread or the FAQ. Theres a lot of good info there and a lot of support and advise about meds as well as supps on the boards
    Best wishes.


      Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

      Hi CD,

      Welcome! I just wanted to wish you the best. It sounds like you are in need of, and ready for, a big change. Keep reading and posting. It really helps to know you are not alone in this!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

        Hi CD

        I can't help with Dr's, as I'm in NY. But do get the book and the CD's. Also, the supplements help tremendously. At the very least, get to your local GNC or Walmart and get some l-glutamine - it's an amino acid that helps with alcohol cravings. I say this because sometimes the kudzu takes time to get to you, but you can have the l-glute in your hands today! Check out the other boards on meds and holistic healing to see what else might be helpful to you. Everyone here does this in his or her own way; I don't take the Topa, just the supps and listen to the cds, but some people do well on it.

        I know how crappy you must be feeling right now, we've all been there at one time or another. Just know that there is always someone here to lend support!



          Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP



          Re going to a doctor. I found a doctor in my area, not my own gp, who is willing to work with me.

          I ended up not doing well with the topa, we have changed to campral and naltrexone.

          I told the doctor's office I don't have insurance, so I pay the $75.00 per visit.

          I also told the pharmacy I don't have insurance, so I paid lots of money for the campral and naltrexone.

          I am not sure if this will actually keep it out of my records but figured it was worth a shot.

          Personally, I think if you are going to take meds like topa you need to be under a doctor's supervision if at all possible. But that is my own opinion, many others are doing well just by ordering online.

          In any case, it sounds like you are very much struggling with this. Keep on posting here, we are all in the same boat and many here have become AF for a long time. I have learned a lot from everyone here.

          Best wishes and take care,
          AF April 9, 2016


            Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

            Hi CD :welcome:

            Welcome to the best place to help....I did AA for a while too but wasn't quite for me. A meeting left me wanting to drink...a visit here doesn't - far from it!!!

            I haven't done meds and am in the UK anyway but can say that I take glandular thyroid and adrenal. Just presume your adrenals to be knackered from the stress of drinking plus life which takes us there.... Check out Thyroid UK which will ink you to US sites (Google those anyway - tons out there but we often miss the adrenal connectionwhich tends to precede hypo/hyper thyroid conditions...) and find docs you could go and see if it looks helpful - I'm certainly not into suggesting medication here...just suggesting places to look!

            If we've got adrenal exhaustion alcohol can give the boost we are looking for short term but, believe me, as you know, it kills us onther way. I took the natural adrenal glandular tablets before stopping drinking and it helped a bit but since I stopped it has been amazing..... I've lost 10lbs, got my energy back (after feeling like I was wading through treacle for a couple of years and after never thinking I would...took 2 months though but boy...!) and my hormones have levelled out hugely. Of course, stopping has allowed my body to heal itself but the tabs certainly helped. Check out Thyroid UK which leads you to several US links about this. Alcohol comepletely screws the endocrine (thyroid/adrenal/ovaries etc) system and which doesn't help in the giving up department. Boost the adrenals and possibly it helps the giving up....?? The tablets are certainly FULL of Vit B's so that IS important! (You get bright yellow wee but who cares!) Not sure why I feel compelled to write about this really except that maybe it's cos it might help you...hope so!! WHatever, stopping is the best policy - anything else is just a very poor Band Aid...!

            I wish you so well - this lot will sort you out; they are the best guys in the world! Post lots, ask lots and we'll see you on your way. You know, YOU CAN DO THIS. Please just take a day at a time - AA it might seem but I think we'd all agree here that that IS still the best approach.... You knit a stitch at a time, any more and the wool gets awful, minute by minute if needs be, stich by stich and you soon have a 30 day jumper!!!

            Well done for getting here - first step completed! Big pat on the back. :goodjob:

            Finidng x :l
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

              Thank you very much for all your support. I really appreciate and need it. I've ordered the book, topamax and adrafinil already. I'll order the remaining supplements today except for L-Glutamine which I picked up yesterday. I am very excited and hopeful that this will work and can not wait for the day that I do not come in to work with a hangover. I'm hoping everything gets here quickly so I can get going. I'm planning to quit completely. I'm very happy I found this website.

              Finding my feet - very interesting about the adrenals. I actually am hypothyroid (I have hashimotos) and am on armour thyroid. I've also wondered about adrenals because I did read before that alcohol really can mess up your body. I'm also hoping to lose weight when I stop drinking. I read that alcohol and thyroid problems do not mix and can cause quite a bit of weight gain which I have experienced. I quit drinking for two months previously and lost 18 pounds pretty quickly and felt great. I put it all back on and then some when I started drinking again.

              Thanks again everyone. I am looking forward to being a quitter.


                Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                db2, question why do you take both campral and naltrexone? I was thinking about trying the naltrexone to help with cravings and moderate. I did see my doctor awhile back and he wanted to put me on campral and told me I couldn't drink anymore. I wasn't ready for that yet. I told him about the program and topa and he didn't want to go that route. Thanks for your input.


                  Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                  Welcome to us. You sound good and ready for a change.

                  I think you should post on the "Just starting out?" forum, though (many members don't read this one so often, as they are not all interested in meds)-- the "Just starting out?" forum is really the more appropriate place for you. You will get tons of help there.

                  I recommend that you don't quit cold turkey until you have the supps to back your body up. This is because of the discomfort as well as dangers of withdrawal. Please see the "Withdrawal Symptoms" post at the top of the "Need help ASAP" forum.

                  But you can certainly start reducing your consumption right away.

                  I'll be looking for you on "Just starting out?"...
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                    Thanks Beatle. I will post on there also.


                      Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                      Campral and Naltrexone

                      My doctor said they have found to work together well.

                      So we are going to try it.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                        Hey CD - hope you're doing ok?

                        Well, isn't that wierd coz that must be why I wrote about the ex-hubby has Hashimotos and it kept coming to mind as I read/wrote here this morning!!! And you hardly said much on it about thyroid!!!....the awesome power of the mind....! I've heard Armour talked about lots in ThyroidUK but haven't had to go on it coz the 'glandulars' have worked just fine to date...(me=sub-clinical hypo where it's really an adrenal problem) Good luck if you decide to investigate the adrenals and good luck anyway!

                        Looking forward to hearing how you're doing.

                        Finding xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                          Finding....I ordered an adrenal glandular yesterday. I've been having trouble keeping my TSH at a good level which I am sure is due to my drinking. I'm hoping the adrenal supplement will help. I'm sure the quitting will help also but I'm waiting for all my meds to get here before going AF.

                          I do much better with Armour then I did on synthroid. I am surprised so many Dr's don't want to use it.


                            Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                            have you tried...

                            Have you checked out Welcome to Women For Sobriety, Inc. That's another great site. I am also a strong believer in topamax.



                              Brand new...need to quit drinking ASAP

                              CD I just want to give you a big warm MWO welcome. Sounds like you need some help and we would love to try to help you. I agree with everything Beatle said - post on Just Starting Out and don't just try to quit all of a sudden cold turkey with no supps. Keep in touch with us the whole time.
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

