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Aussie Meds

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    Aussie Meds

    Flip;188296 wrote: Being diagnosed as Bi-polar type 2 has made a significant impact on my ability to tackle my drinking problem. I started on lithium carbonate at the same time as my second attempt with the campral, and never looked back. For the first time in my life I'm not living on a rollercoaster. Damn it's nice. Now off Campral, sober and still taking the lithuim. And I'm living a 'normal' life. not drunk, not emotional, and able to focus on taking care of myself.
    That's excellent that the correct diagnosis was made and really good that you're not on that rollercoaster anymore, you must feel peaceful. Excuse my ignorance, what is the difference between Bi-polar type 1 and 2?

    I realise I wrote psychologist previously, but I actually saw a psychiatrist 3 times who made the assessment a year ago that I needed to stop drinking before he could definitely diagnose me. My Dr who I see next Wednesday is going to refer me to a psychologist who specialises in drug and alcohol addiction. Isnt it great that people can now get a big part of the bill back on Medicare?! Anyhow, I still think there is a chance of being diagnosed Bi-polar and I'm open to it.

    Just taking it one step at a time at this stage but it's good be aware of it.


      Aussie Meds

      Hi debruce,

      I've just taken tablet no 3 and it really was just the first one that knocked me around. Now there's just a bit of light headedness and its mainly tiredness. But I'm fine.

      Well done on the staying away from the drink. Like you said, it's good to not rely solely on the naltrexone but you sound determined as well. To me it feels like it has dulled that crazy switch that in the past would turn on way too easily. Stay in touch.


        Aussie Meds

        Bipolar I disorder involves episodes of severe mood swings, from mania and depression.Bipolar II disorder is a milder form, involving milder episodes of hypomania that alternate with depression.Cyclothymic disorder describes even milder mood changes.With mixed bipolar disorder, there is both mania and depression at the same time. The person feels grandiose, with racing thoughts, all this energy -- but is also irritable, angry, moody, feeling bad.Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is characterized by four or more mood episodes that occur within a 12-month period. Some people experience multiple episodes within a single week, or even within a single day. Rapid cycling tends to develop later in the course of illness. Women are more likely than men to have rapid cycling. A rapid-cycling pattern increases risk for severe depression and suicide attempts.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Aussie Meds

          Thanks for that info Flip.


            Aussie Meds

            debruce;188381 wrote: Hi Benno,
            I did feel a bit the same after I took my 1st tablet. Have now just taken number 4 and am feeling better every day. Don't feel as light headed or queasy. Sleep is getting better too. The real good buzz is that I haven't touched a drink, don't even want one. Not putting all my faith in the naltrexone, but it feels bloody good to wake up every morning with a clear head and taking no panadol. Sure the side effects will all be gone in a few days. Stay cool.
            Keep me informed of how you are feeling. We are both at pretty much the same stage.
            Hi debruce,

            Just wondering how you're going? I think I just had my 7th tablet ... feeling ok, I havent felt like a drink at all either. The side effects come and go a little but, but as you said, it's 1000 times better than waking up with a hangover. I'm on AF day 9 now ... I wonder how long we're supposed to take these things? I'll check up with the doc tomorrow. A couple of months I would say.

            Anyhow, hope you're well.



              Aussie Meds

              Hi Ben,
              I am doing good. I have tried to have 1 glass of wine in the evening. It is quite nice, don't really feel that I need it though. I tried to have another last night, and felt sick so had to tip it back in the bottle. Wanted to see how I would go with temptation as we are going away to Port Douglas tomorrow for 10 days holiday and a wedding. I am please that I feel like this. Will prob have 1 at the wedding....maybe and not worry about anymore. Am feeling hugely good about it though. Glad that you are doing good too. Think the pills are a huge help. I am full up with a cold at the moment though, so not feeling in the holiday mood. Hope it feels better by tomorrow am. Ha Ha Ha
              Keep in touch

