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Topamax and hormonal interference

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    Topamax and hormonal interference

    :new: I have been on Topamax for 5 weeks and am currently up to 150mg. I begin at
    200mg tomorrow at week 6. I am really pleased at the anti craving effects the drugs are having for me and have not had, nor felt like a drink for 5 weeks. However, I am finding that I am experiencing some hormonal interference in the following forms: abdominal bloating, sugar cravings, between period bleeding and spotting, heavy periods, water retention, and mood swings. Has anyone else experienced similar side effects? I am not usually like this around my period so my husband and children are not appreciating the new grumpy me! I can't win! I think I'm only marginally better than the the old intoxicated me! Anyone who can relate or offer help/advice I'd really appreciate it.:thanks:

    Topamax and hormonal interference


    The side effects you are describing is most likely not the Topamax. I had topa side effects that I could not tolerate but none of those. (Of course I am 50 and had a hysterectomy so don't know for sure.)

    However, the side effects you ARE describing are very much related to alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    They will get better.

    L-Glut should help with the sugar cravings. Eat whole fruit instead of junk.

    Best of luck!!
    AF April 9, 2016


      Topamax and hormonal interference

      It is not the is the not drinking. It will go away...took me about 2 months to get back to normal.
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Topamax and hormonal interference

        Oh, thanks guys.....I really hadn't considered that it might be effect of the alcohol withdrawal..... I figured that as one of the side effects of the topamax was reduction of the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill that it might affect hormone levels in other ways. Thanks for giving me hope that I might get through this though! My hubby will be pleased! lol!


          Topamax and hormonal interference

          HI broken - I think that alcohol use increases estrogen production in women, so without alcohol you lose the wonderful effects of estrogen. And if you are in your 40's you could coincidentally also be approaching menopause. So, you might want to look around at natural ways to increase estrogen, (that don't include alcohol...:H ) Good luck - much ....anybody correct me if I'm wrong......fine with me!!


            Topamax and hormonal interference

            I don't know if you still check this thread but I also am having some spotting and hot flashes on topamax. I googled topa side effects and menstrual irregularities is one of them. Hopefully it will go away with time. Good luck.


              Topamax and hormonal interference

              Thanks CD771, I checked with my Dr and she said things should settle in a little while. Here's hoping!


                Topamax and hormonal interference

                topa moodswings

                broken;185194 wrote: :new: I have been on Topamax for 5 weeks and am currently up to 150mg. I begin at
                200mg tomorrow at week 6. I am really pleased at the anti craving effects the drugs are having for me and have not had, nor felt like a drink for 5 weeks. However, I am finding that I am experiencing some hormonal interference in the following forms: abdominal bloating, sugar cravings, between period bleeding and spotting, heavy periods, water retention, and mood swings. Has anyone else experienced similar side effects? I am not usually like this around my period so my husband and children are not appreciating the new grumpy me! I can't win! I think I'm only marginally better than the the old intoxicated me! Anyone who can relate or offer help/advice I'd really appreciate it.:thanks:
                I found Topamax didn't suit me at all- I experienced terrible moodswings and was advised by the doc to come off it. I do suffer from mild depression and take prozac, so maybe thats why it wasn't for me... It was worst at PMTtime when I got very anxious and snappy. Didn't take enough to find out whether it reduced cravings but am going to now use all the other elements of the program along with a lot of willpower! Maybe you should do the same if its affecting you badly? Good luck! :l


                  Topamax and hormonal interference

                  Thanks for the reply and the support missCDJ
                  I too suffer from mild depression and am on zoloft, but have persevered with the topa ..and am so happy with the results. The cravings have disappeared totally and the mood swings are decreasing - although I am still a little more uptight than normal around my period, I am no where near as bad as when I first started. I really feel as though things are getting better. For the first time in a long time I feel like me again and I actually like myself! I hope the other elements of the program help you to find yourself again too -it is a great feeling. Good luck MissCDJ and thanks again!


                    Topamax and hormonal interference

                    G'day Broken,

                    As for Topa, you'll see it'll settle. My doc said that most side effects will settle within a month or so. What you need to find out is what your ideal dose is. Mine is 175 mgs. Anything above that will make my system go beserk. You will need to try that out a few times, I guess. I've been on Topa since February 2007, and it changed my life, I wouldn't miss it anymore.

                    Two months ago, I wanted to titrate off it, as I became confident I could handle myself. It was a mistake. The cravings came back. i started drinking again. I have decided to stay on my magic dose of 175 mgs. I'll do regular blood checks and liver function. And as long as Topa won't affect any of that, well why not stay on it?

                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      Topamax and hormonal interference

                      Thanks for the reply Paddy :thanks:
                      Glad to hear of your success. I too have had to fiddle with the dosages a bit - went to 200 but had too many side effects I wasn't happy with; have since found 150mg works just great for me and have been doing well for 2 months now. Have no side effects or cravings, so so far so good. It is coming into summer here, traditionally a big drinking and socialising time, so I guess the test will be to see if the dosage is strong enough for me to maintain my resolve. At this stage I feel so much better without alcohol in my life, so I really hope so. All the best for your journey Paddy, and again, thanks for the input.
                      Happy days.


                        Topamax and hormonal interference

                        Quick Q for the Topa fans: do you still use the other supplements as well? I am only on .5 Topa, going up to .75 tomorrow, and the "switch" has not flipped for me. I have slowed up my drinking a wee bit, but surely have not stopped. Am hoping, eventually, however, to drink "normally" with perhaps the assistance of either the Topa or the supps -- but not both. Would prefer to pop fewer pills throughout the day!

