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Topamax schedule

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    Topamax schedule

    Hi, I am now taking the 50 mg. AM and 50 mg PM and am wondering what time y'all recommend taking it? I do have trouble falling asleep at night. I just took my morning dose, a little after 10 AM. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!:thanks:

    Topamax schedule

    Taking 75 mg now

    I'm taking 75 mg a day. 50 mg around noon and 25 mg around 4 pm. I tell you, this is working like a charm. If you search my earlier posts I was drinking around 4 - 6 very stiff bourbons a day at 5 pm on the dot.

    If you have a problem sleeping, maybe take a half of an over the counter Antihistamine? I'm no doctor, but that may help.

    Now, I'm having maybe a glass of red wine and that's that. I do all the supplements and the only side effect is the tingling of the hands and feet. I still take my Effexor XR in the a.m. and Tranxene, but less Tranxene as before, except when I fly.

    I find that when I go out with co-workers I say, "I'll have a soda water and lime, please" much to my co-worker's dismay. I was asked the other day by a bartender, "What would you like in that?" I said, "An extra lime, I guess." :H

    So it's working great, and I'm very pleased. Maybe it's in my head. Maybe it's the Topa, maybe it's the supps. Whatever, I don't care. It's working.



      Topamax schedule

      i take 50mgs a day, but only take at night, around 4:30-5:00pm. I couldn't tolerate taking it it during the the day, I was TOO wacked out. I am hoping to stay at the 50mgs, but if I have to go to 75mgs, I will still take only one dose a day. I actually know there are a lot of folks taking it in one dose now - up to 200mg.. whew! Good luck!
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Topamax schedule

        Yeah, that day dose has me wacked out too...I hadn't thought of taking it all at once, at night. I am strictly following the book schedule. Will have to consider my next move! I wish the book would give times! Ok,thanks guys, this does help!


          Topamax schedule

          I take 75 mg at night. I am scared of taking it in the morning because I don't want my brain to be fuzzy at work - they'll think I'm drunk again (really!) I have been reading around the boards and I think different times work best for different people. I would recommend doing what feels best and works best for you.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

