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Topa update..

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    Topa update..

    I know some of are on Topa.. I was wondering if we could do a quick check in. It is REALLY helping me. I was driving home tonight and was cpompletely amazed how I get all the way home without even a thought of stoping to buy wine - I mean that is so unbelievable for me I can't even tell you!!!! 3 weeks ago I would have a glass of wine before I left work, stop on my way home at the winebar, or have a little shorty in my car (BAD GIRL), buy some to take home, or think about buying all the way home, then go get some.. anyway.. well, you all know the drill. I have been in a few BIG drinking situations over the past weekend and no cravings... It has to be the Topa! And of course YOU GUYS!!

    I am on 50mgs - taken all at once at 5pm... I was thinking about going to 75mgs, but so far so good, so I will stay here. A few brain farts, but no other side effects...

    I'm sold..

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Topa update..

    Hi MM - I wish I had longer to write, I only ever have a few minutes. But I wanted to tell you that I am in the same place with topa. It is really getting me over the hump. Here it is 7:30 on the end of a holiday weekend, and normally I would have had 3 or 4 glasses of wine by now at least, and I haven't even started. I have been slowly starting the MWO, and at first the topa made my skin crawl. . I posted on the other topa thread that Mags started. . But now I feel pretty good, just a little tingly on my face. Sometimes words get away from me, but I'm 49 with a bunch of teens at home and can blame anything I want. I really think it is the topa. I am also at 50mg, 25 in the am, 25 in the pm. Someone else was wondering about the timing. I was thinking of trying it like you all at once at maybe 3pm, since I usually start thinking about wine at 4pm. Well, congratulations - let me know how it is going, and if you really do increase to 75. I am thinking about it too, according to the chart I should have increased yesterday. I was thinking of waiting until I blow it. But that sounds dumb. I am actually just trying to moderate as my husband is a fine social drinker and I love to cook. I don't think those are excuses, I just want to be in control. Anyway, would love to hear how you do - and best of luck. Much


      Topa update..

      Hi MM and MT, I am pretty close to where the both of you are on Topa, taking 75 mg. I did 10 days AF and then 6 days AF but have these bumps in the rode in between. My wife drinks fairly heavily on the weekend and this gets me going. The good news is I only drink 1 or 2 beers a day and this is down from 10+ in the past. I know the Topa is working big time but I still feel guilty for partaking at all. I want to be totally AF. I may go up to 100 to see if that helps. Good luck to both of you. Any advice would be appreciated.
      Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


        Topa update..

        Today is only day 2 on topa for me. I'm going to follow the MWO schedule but hoping 50 will be enough or 75 at most since its so pricey. I take mine at 7 pm at night. Yesterday I was very hungry all day. I'm thinking this could have been the hangover. Sunday I drank like I'm never drinking again...:H so yesterday wasn't feeling so great. It was an easy day to do AF even though normally I would have had a bloody mary to take the edge off. I really want to go AF for two months, at least, before trying moderation. I went on a 3 week binge before finally quitting. I've gone the week before but weekends are usually where I break. My husband also is a heavy drinker so that doesn't help. He said he will stop during the week but has no intention of stopping on weekends so thats where I'm hoping the topa will make a difference. I did go two months last fall without drinking. I lost 18 pounds and felt great. I really hope to have that feeling again. I'm also trying to quit smoking.


          Topa update..

          CD, Good luck to you on everything. I am impressed with your 2 months AF. The Topa is well worth it to me whatever it costs. I feel my life is changing in a very positive way. Without Topa and the MWO program I would still be at 10+ beers every night.
          Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


            Topa update..

            Rob - That is great how you have decreased ,- I think you should just let the guilt go for awhile. 10 beers to 2 is pretty incredible. I am very proud of going from 2 - 8 glasses of wine to 0 -6 in the past month. So, do you have any side effects from the topa? Now I am all skin crawly again and it's drivin me CRAZY! Can you tell me what time of day you take it ( I think you said you are on 75) I don't have the big urge to drink at 5pm and I'm pretty sure it is the topa because I have tried to cut down before. I thought if I switched to taking it all at night maybe the side effect would stop. Thanks for any advice you have too.


              Topa update..

              cd771 - Let me know how the topa works for you! My husband drinks under control, I'm the one that gets too loosy goosy. But if you see my post above to rob (I can't figure out how to do all this posting right, but one day I'll get it) the topa is bugging me. I am at 50 and the craving is sure gone. It has helped SO much. Now, if I can force myself to keep taking the pills since I am hating the feeling.

              Congratulations on trying to stop. I am following the MWO program pretty straightly too. I know that binge feeling too (with alcohol and food right before a diet.) Isn't it the stupidest thing? For myself, (and I am not saying for anyone else) I never say never again. I have to tell myself moderation in all things, or I will get stupid. Thanks for listening and keep in touch.


                Topa update..

                Muchthought--congratulations, you're doing great. I upped my dosage to to 100 mg yesterday. I'm following the MWO guidelines and taking 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon. I have no side effects other than a little drowsiness. I hope to stay at this dosage.

                CD-That's great the craving is gone for you at 50mg. You will only have to spend half the money that I do on Topa. Anyway, Topa and the MWO program sure seem to be a godsend for me.
                Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie

