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NaltrexoLite Plus

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    NaltrexoLite Plus

    Hello all oldies and newbies!
    Yes, I'm still around, been reading but rarely posting.

    Anyway, decided to go to a doctor I read about who specialised in addictions (was impressed with his web site talking about nutrition and re-wiring brain!)

    He gave me some capsules that he makes up himself, Naltrexolite Plus, which contain the following: Naltrexone (4.5mg) Diazepan (5mg), Prozac (8mg), Zoloft (30mg) and Zyprexa (2.5mg). I have to take half a capsule per day. I must say having never taken such meds before and reading about them here, I am/was very wary about side-effects, etc, but he assured me in such small doses and mixed with the other drugs there should be no problems.

    Just wondered if anyone has any comments on such meds. Any input will be much appreciated as always from all here!

    Best wishes everyone

    NaltrexoLite Plus

    Wow! that is new to me and I've pretty much followed everything going on in this field. Really, what a cocktail. holy cow.

    I have no idea, but this doc must have some wild ideas, and who am I to question? Still, I must mention that for except for Naltrexone, these are well-known anti-depressives and benzo-type drugs, which would make me shit-scared. Then again maybe this guy has just thought up a great way to combine them.

    Why not try it and see? (Yeh, you can be the guinea pig for us all, he he.) Really, I'm truly intrigued. If you do try it, I'd love to hear the results.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      NaltrexoLite Plus

      Sounds like quite an experiment to me. What sort of background does your doctor have?
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        NaltrexoLite Plus


        Hi Trixi & Beatle

        Thanks for your words of comfort :H As I said, I was (and still am) quite anxious too about this concoction, but he did assure me dosages were so low that I needn't worry.

        I have now (over last 4 days) taken 2 capsules; first day I still drank, second and third I didn't (though I did start with Kudzu again, but left out the Topa:H ) Only thing I noticed greatly was unable to keep my eyes open past 8pm (about 5 hours after taking them). At this stage, I'm happy to not be drinking (although it's early and I've had success with MWO programme, just thought I needed an MDs input/advice.)

        I hope the links below work, which is his his practice and other web site.

        Understanding Management Treatment of Substance Abuse Detox & Addiction
        Welcome to

        I was a little concerned when I read in the latter web site, under "Services", Item 6:

        ...After he treated 736 new addiction patients (mostly heroin addiction) ..... stopped Dr ...from prescribing Buprenorphine for any new patients and then later, on false charges of illegal prescriptions, from prescribing Buprenorphine and Methadone for all his old patients as well. This forced him to close his Chemical Health Centre which had treated many thousands of addicts over the years. The Health Department feared that their little drug and alcohol empire would collapse if they didn’t stop him and didn’t care what happened to his patients.

        Will keep you posted


          NaltrexoLite Plus

          G'day Blondie,

          Just be careful with the cocktail, particularly with the likes of Prozac, Zoloft, and Diazepan. I had a hard time to get off the drugs from last to this year, even on low doses.

          Here's an interesting website - which also houses Dr. Ashton's manual for withdrawing from these drugs.

 : Benzodiazepines: How They Work & How to Withdraw, Prof C H Ashton DM, FRCP, 2002
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            NaltrexoLite Plus

            Thanks for that link Paddy

            I go back to the doctor tomorrow for a "brain electricity assessment"! and counselling, but I am really so very tired when I take these capsules and I sleep from about 8pm right through without waking or being disturbed which is a concern to me (sounds good, but I feel almost as though it's like my drunken blackouts!) After tomorrow, I think I'll go back to the Topa, etc. As I said, I wanted to be on the safe side and have a doctor's support/input with what I was doing, but I feel he just pushed these at me without considering anything else. The last thing I want is to have a problem with prescribed medication, never having taken more than disprin occasionally!!

            Thanks again


              NaltrexoLite Plus

              hey blondie

              I too have been on all of those meds and found the prozac made me more nuts and the zyprexa is what is knocking you out but that goes away with time.And hell the valium is just a plus LOL! I started on the vivitrol injections which last 30 days each and I am on day 9 without so much as a drop of liquor or any of my all time favorites the pain pills. And except for the lump in my behind have felt no adverse effects quite the contrary I feel new! Scared but new! There is also a drug called campral he started me on for the edgyness it is starting to help. Keep on keeping on Blondie!~!!!!!!


                NaltrexoLite Plus

                EEEEK Wow drugs Iam in.Uhhh wait a minute I have this thing called an addiction. I would like to find out who Iam first. then and only then as a last ditch effort do I try that stuff. Valium yum yum yum. But thats just me.


                  NaltrexoLite Plus

                  The dosages in the capsules are subclinical doses (meaning less than would be prescribed normally), and you are then taking half of those. Zyprexa at higher doses is normally used to treat the manic part of bipolar illness, but at the dose that you are taking it, it is not uncommon to be used as an anti-anxiety agent. It sounds like you do not need so much anti-anxiety medication though.

                  It is not uncommon for drug "cocktails" to be used now instead of just one medication. I would be cautious, but from what I know about these medications, combining them is not a problem. The risk of addiction is there with the diazepam, but 2.5 mg is a fairly low dose. The SSRI's can be more difficult, but you are on low doses of them as well.

                  Does it work for you?? That seems to be an important question.

                  Good luck with it all!

                  Warm regards,:l

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    NaltrexoLite Plus

                    Having been through 10 years of misdiagnosis for depression, been diagnosed as bipolar etc I would freak out if a DR prescribed that cocktail for me. The zoloft is at a clincial dose, the prozac close to a starting dose (and that's 2 antisperessants for a start. Then the daizepam (valium) - wouldn't take that at any dose - so addictive - then the zyprexa - may assist with anxiety - but soes not go so well with prozac.

                    I'd see a good psychiatrist and get a second opinion if I was you. If you are depressed and anxious you may be self-medicating with the alchohol - I know I was - seek a second opinion from a real expert in the field (it's not hard to find one). It does not hurt to be careful with these things - i've had lots of docs who have come up with some ripper combos - my present P-doc is CAUTIOUS - and I love her for it!

                    All the best

                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      NaltrexoLite Plus

                      Oh by the way I read his web site - he is not saying anything new there at all about co-morbidity - but there's some strange stuff there as far as i'm concerned (from a long-term sufferer perspective). The other website is using Lorem Ipsum (a made up typesetting language) for it's patient feedback - weird as!

                      see another doctor....

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        NaltrexoLite Plus

                        Hi Kathy & Cashy
                        Firstly, I haven't started taking this second lot he prescribed as I'm overseas (and didn't want to risk taking an envelope of pills into a foreign country:H ) I'd like to give the topa and supps one more try and then perhaps the NaltrexoLite.
                        Cashy, I really don't feel I am depressed nor particularly anxious, but in the (long) questionnaire I completed, one question I answered suggested I was bi-polar! I do believe it was more the way I answered though and a box had to be ticked!
                        Oh, well, once I get back home, I'll see how I go. Just the thought of going to yet another doctor/specialist to potentially be disappointed again! (I feel I know more about this than a lot of them! )
                        Thanks for your input and suggetions.

