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    I did post a thread about Cilift- which is the name of the product, they contain 20mg Citalopram. My (mother;s) doc prescribed them to me for depression after my OD.

    I searched this forum on the subject and a lot of people said they'd put on weight. I have quite the opposite- NO APPETITE! My sleeping is also wacked and today was my first day of taking a whole tablet (been on half for a week-chemist's suggestion) and my head is very "buzzy". My dreams are out of control, very strange and vivid!

    Anyone else taking this anti-depressant? Would love to hear from you.

    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


    Dei - I hope you gets lots of feedback ...

    I know you're a bit bothered by the citalopram. Didn't realise doc was getting you onto 20mg. Thought it was 10mg - just a thought (not playing doc here) as said before...if 10mg doesn't give so many side-effects, try sticking at that for a month or so... I have known 3 (plus me) people for whom 10mg was enough and 20mg too much... I think you've done great to go straight to 10mg!! Enough to 'buzz' you straight out of it!!! If after a month 10 isn't doing anything much you could go up to 20? (not more!) But you haven't been taking them long enough to know yet.

    Good luck love, anyways.... paint your dreams out.:shocked: ..if you've to suffer wacky dreams, make some money out of them!!!

    Love FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



      i take Citalopram - 10mg. Great dreams! haven't noticed any other side effects other than a general not giving a damn about stuff that used to wind me up = result!!

      also took succefully at the same time as topa with no contra-indications either.

      good luck, rip x



        I took 40mg of Citalopram after my OD. Worked brilliantly but had to come off it slowly when I fell pregnant. I will not hesitate to return to their magic ways if I slip back to where I was with depression. I did not have any side-affects except happiness! Bella xx



          Bring it on!!!!........reading rave reviews like this makes me wonder why I`m personally so anti-meds........just shit-scared of them I guess!!!

          Starlight Impress x



            im takin g 20 mg...of same...peopple comment how good i look and relaxed i am....neede to tame the beast tho..



              So, how long did it take to kick in for any of you???



                It took 2 weeks to kick in.



                  I took Citalopram for a couple years. I also gained 60 pounds while taking it. Can't blame all the weight gain on it but I know the weight wasn't just due to a change in diet (which wasn't much).

                  Anyway - I don't remember what it was like when I started. It did help my general depression, but when life was hard I was as depressed as ever even with it. I quit cold turkey a few months ago which wasn't fun but wasn't all the hell I was told to expect either.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



                    My experience with Celexa was very good. It's true that doctors usually start you on 10 mg and then see if it works, then they move you up to 20 mg .The last time I tried this, however, the 10 mg was not enough and I had severe depression. So this just caused a delay in treatment. I think it took a few weeks to kick in. I think antidepressants are life-savers. I don't remember many side effects, maybe some sleep disturbance in the beginnning?

                    I went off this at the same time as Imatree. We were both reading the weight gain thread. I did gain weight on this medication but I am not sure if it was due to consuming more food. since I went off it I lost weight but I also have dieted religiously. I have been tempted to go on it again lately. I wish I had tapered off more gradually. I sometimes get hit with depression but it's partly due to sad life events. ho hum. I am a little afraid to go back on it due to the weight issues.

                    good luck, i think this med has fewer side effects than some of theother antidepressants.



                      Thank you!

                      :thanks: everyone...

                      Your posts have made me feel a little more relaxed about it all. It's just nice to hear other people's experiences of something.

                      Starlight- I was always against taking meds for depression or ANYTHING for that matter. I do feel better and things are just a little easier to handle. People see me as strong and confident but before it was a daunting MISSION to even walk a block to the shop to buy bread! It just takes the edge off- I call it my "edge-trimmer".

                      I don't plan to take meds all my life and I think there are other ways to deal with depression but I think I needed to just chill out in my head before I felt I could try these other ways.

                      Thanks guys. My head isn't buzzing today so that's good, I just need to remind myself to eat. Appetite is slightly better though.
                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-



                        Just remembered today that I actually lost several pounds whenit kicked in for me....I remember feeling so wonderful and energised and having no desire at all for sugar, boose (!) or rubbish food and everyone saying how well I looked.

                        I so hope you get a bit of that at least!! (I've often wondered if it was the same as some people report on GABA???)

                        Love FMF x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                          Good to hear you`re feeling a bit better, Deilight.
                          Going to ask my new doc for this drug.........hope it`ll give me a much needed bit of oooomph. Was concerned only about the possible weight gain, as am currently losing the wine blubber rather nicely. lol

                          Thanks to all for your info.,

                          Starlight Impress x

