Great news John. Here's to a successful day 3! We all have to find what works for us. Eskapa seems dismissive of side effects, and compares Naltrexone to vitamins in their ability to cause effects that can be "felt" He says yoy don't "feel" vitamins. Not so fast: anyone taken a potent B-complex on an empty stomach? Buzzsaw head, nausea, flushing. You and I did not imagine what we experienced. And I do not believe our indifference to alcohol is a placebo effect either. I certainly guzzled my way through high doses of kudzo for days and drank w/ gusto after lots of glutamine, despite wanting badly for them to work. Eskapa acknowledges there can be an immediate decreased desire to drink but calls this a "weak artifact" of the opioid receptor blocking action. I understand that, and will work my way up in dose. But you are where you need to be right now, and that is what matters. Happy trip to Mexico!