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Interesting Topa Site I found

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    Interesting Topa Site I found

    I stumbled upon this site and thought it was interesting. It started in Feb. of 2003 and is current. People are posting their side effects of topamax. It's very interesting to read what other people have to say about it.

    Check it out Topamax - The Price of Loss

    Interesting Topa Site I found

    Topa Site

    Thanks for the link......this was really eye-opening and to be honest, a little scary. I am on my second attempt with Topamax....never got past 25mg the first time, with intense side effects. I am having some side affects again but I am not sure if its the Topamax or the Afranil....teying to take a wait and see approach. Thanks again for the link.:thanks:


      Interesting Topa Site I found

      I did some research on the topa again and came across this site because I didn't like what topa was doing to me.
      I found with the topa that I started getting more agitated and my personality started changing.
      I didn't like it! I quit dreaming at night. I'm starting to titrate off of it and I already am seeing a difference. I am starting to become my old self again. I am dreaming again!
      Topa may work fine for some people but I don't like how I was in the middle of a sentence and I was at a loss for words and also I am the best speller in the world and I just couldn't spell any more.

      I am using the Lithium Orotate like Tough In Texas recommended. She has some information under the holistic thread. I am finding that it is really helping me and I am really excited about that.

      Good luck southerngirl and remember to follow what your body is telling you. There are other options out there.


