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NPR story today

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    NPR story today

    Hi all, heard part of this story on the drive home today. There is a new article in the latest Journal of the American Medical Association this month too.

    NPR : Seizure Drug Shows Promise Against Alcoholism

    :h Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

    NPR story today

    The Topo story is being covered on the TV network news affiliate here. It's a headline on my internet provider site as well.


      NPR story today

      JAMA 10/10/07 article on topiramate

      Here's a link to the JAMA article summary coming up next. For some reason, I wasn't able to post a link this time.


        NPR story today

        JAMA 10/10/07 article on topiramate

        Here's the link: Newswise Medical News | Medication Shows Promise as a Treatment for Alcohol Dependence


          NPR story today

          Thanks Mike, that is major news, and all the press this issue gets, along with the topa connection, can only make people more aware of the problem, the new approach to treating it, and how it affects regular everyday people. :h Suz
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

