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is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
My understanding is that I would need a prescription for Topamax. My family doctor does not think that I am bad enough for a prescription. I want to try Topamax, but do not want to do anything that is ilegal.Tags: None
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
Yes you can order from River Pharmacy without a prescription. Many people here do. I ordered from them and they had great customer service.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
If you want to go the legal route (getting a prescription) maybe you can try another doctor.
the only thing I would worry about in your situation is, if for some reason you have side effects that are not good. going to the doctor who said he wouldn't prescribe Topamax to get help might cause you some problems or embarrasment.You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
Alby - You can also look on the web for doctors in your area who treat alcohol dependence. There's a sight called "live outside the bottle" where you can do a search in your area for one of these doc's who are mostly internists, GP's and family Dr.'s. The site is meant to promote naltrexone, I think, but when I went to the doc i found there, he set me up with campral instead. Anyway, docs who are on sites for at home alcohol treatment know more about medication options for people trying to quit drinking. and if you go to a Dr. in your area, he'll be on hand if need to ask about side effects, changing meds or whatever.
Good luck!
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
Hey Alby -- My doc prescribed Topa at my request. My insurance co refused to cover the cost (I believe there is no generic); thus far I have paid $600 out of pocket to get the prescription filled (been on it for a bit over 3 weeks). My doc is filing an appeal but in the meantime, I also ordered Topa via River Pharm -- cheaper than filling the prescription. Legal? Dunno. I guess if it clears US customs. Risky? I guess the risk is yours, as there is no pharmacist handing them directly to you. I told my doc I'd bring the pills in once they arrive, just so he can physically look at them. Since so many folks here have done it, I decided to go for it and order them. Will keep you posted if you'd like (they're due to arrive today). Trixie brings up a good point regarding side effects... no drug is benign! Everything you put in your body has some type of effect, and my opinion is that it can be helpful to have a knowledgable person at hand as a resource -- just in case you have questions/concerns/interaction effects with other drugs. As others suggest, perhaps shopping around for a doc is in order.
Good luck.
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
Beth and Blondie, Thanks for the information about how to locate a doctor. I will do that. I just do not wish to do this without a doctor and if it is illegal. Bad enough I have a drinking problem and do not need to compound it with a legal problem.
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
I understand your concerns. And what timing -- the postal carrier just rang the front door and brought my Topa -- it's the generic form (Topiramate) and I'm not sure where it came from, but sure looks and smells like the real thing!While my doc and expensive insurance company wrestle it out over my prescription coverage, and while I have already paid a lot out money of pocket at the local drug store --which many, many people cannot afford to do, I gotta do what is best for my health. Enough with red tape. Know what I mean?
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
I have ordered from River Pharmacy and Aclepsa both online pharmacies with no troubles. Best of luck to you."Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
is it legal in the US to purchase Topamax through River Pharm?
It is legal if you have a prescription. The sites will tell you that laws say you can order so much without a prescription, but our U.S. laws are fuzzy, and technically you are not allowed to posses any medication that is a prescription without an actual prescription. YOu will only get in real trouble for trying to order opiates without a prescription...and topa is not an opiate. The worse that can happen is it will get confiscated.It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.