I encourage you all to keep goin. I dont think I would have ever been able to stop drinking without it. I went completely af for 18 months. Then when I drank a few beers it just wasnt that good. I went up to 200mg at the highest for the 18 months and have slowly been tirating down since. Humm....thats been since Jan or so. I have lost track now. Anyway I have gone completely off topa now and have not gone back to old habits. Yet! But the lousy taste of beer that I had with topa has diminished now and it is a different level of will power that I have to exersise now without the aid of topa. Geeze.....did that just now make sense? What I mean is while I was takin topa my desire to drink just wasnt there. And it tasted crappy too. All very un-enjoyable. Now while not takin topa I could enjoy a beer, and could desire one too. Still not nearly as strong but I know its up to me not to allow myself to fall back in to old habits on my own. Sometimes its harder then others but for now I still have a grip.
Or....ugh back on topa I go.