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    Started Topa

    Hi all,

    Saw a WONDERFUL doctor last night, a psychiatrist with 30+ years as an addiction specialist. He's so personable, and understanding. Not to mention that he REALLY listened to what I had to say, and is amenable to trying whatever it takes to help me moderate (hopefully)...or go AF if moderation proves undoable.

    He gave me Topa, which I started last night (25). And I gave him the MWO book to read!

    Wish me luck --and all of you with experience with Topa, when might I expect to "feel" something?

    Taking it all in

    Started Topa

    HopefulNow, It kicked in gradually for me after the second week. I started Topa in August and was planning to go totally AF but I found I could drink 2 beers a night without the desire for more. The higher dosages did not work for me and I am currently at 50 mg per day. I also did the supps and the CD's (for a short while).

    I have lost 11 pounds and I used to drink 10 plus beers a night. I really like my new life now. Topa has truly been a godsend for me. Good luck with your Topa journey. Hope it works wonders for you!

    Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


      Started Topa


      Thanks for your reply, and glad to hear the topa is working so well for you, and at such a relatively low dose!

      I've not started with the supps yet, but definitely plan to add those to the mix. They seem to help a lot of people here.

      Will keep you posted.
      Taking it all in

