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My first date with Naltrexone

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    My first date with Naltrexone

    I thought I would try to document some of my experiences here as there are not very many Naltrexone posts.
    I had my first "date" with Naltrexone last night. It was not a good date. It started off well enough. I felt a little drowsy, pretty relaxed and good. After about 45 minutes to an hour of sleep I awoke feeling panicky and anxious. This repeated every 30 minutes or so all night, the panicky feeling, along with chills and sweats, bizarre dreams/half-waking halluncinations (?) Of course there is the possibility these are withdrawal symptoms too and not because of the meds. It was my first official AF day yesterday, although I did go AF Monday as well but took half a xanax and had a really relaxing good night of sleep that night. This morning/today I am a little bit queasy and jittery--compounded by my ex getting in my face today--ugh!

    I will take my second dose tonight and hope it goes better! Wish me well!


    My first date with Naltrexone


    Good luck!!

    I do think that the symptoms are alcohol withdrawal.

    Naltrexone will help with the drinking but it does not help with the withdrawing.

    If you were an extremely heavy drinker (note were), you might need some Librium or something to keep you safe while your body withdraws.

    Otherwise, just work through it. It does get better in a week or so.

    Keep us posted!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      My first date with Naltrexone

      Hi pepper!
      I think any new drug that you introduce into your system is going to cause some upset in the beginning as the body will not recognise it as 'friendly'. It was the same when I first introduced Anti D's into mine for the first time many many years ago. I had an amazing bout of the 'heebie jeebies' at first and suffered many of the symptoms you describe with talking Naltrexone. I'm no medical expert so I can only tell you my own experiences and I do think this is something you just have to ride out for a bit longer. The same will probably apply when you withdraw from the medications as well Pepper.

      Good on ya for posting about it anyway Pepper! I hope things calm down for you soon!

      Love and Happiness

      p.s. I cannot stress enough Pepper that these are only thoughts concerning my own experiences and if you really feel bad then get back to your GP (doctor) for advice ASAP.
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        My first date with Naltrexone

        Thank you both Db2, and hippie for responding! Last night went so much better and I am feeling much better this morning. I am very much relieved to feel quite normal this morning (although this is a new 'normal'). I actually feel good! LOL! Not that foggy, headachy, nauseous hungover me that I'm used to. Thank goodness!

        I am not about to give up on the naltrexone yet and I have my fingers crossed that my supplements from MWO will arrive today so I will have some additional relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings. I will continue to post & let others know of my experiences!


          My first date with Naltrexone

          Wow, Pepper, what a great post. Thanks for sharing your experiences. As for the dreams, buckle your seatbelt. Many folks have reported very 'real' dreams. I was relieved to hear that myself, cuz I thought it was pretty strange when it happened to me. Its kind of fun, if you let it be fun.



            My first date with Naltrexone

            Don't give up. I am on week 2 of naltrexone. Experienced diareah and had to go down to half the dosage and wola,. It works well with beer, but wine not so much for me, but think it might need to build up in my system.

            I need this to work. It was a $200 b-day present to myself. Well see. Just never give up.



              My first date with Naltrexone


              I am now on day 7. I have not tried to drink since I started it. When you say it works well with beer do you mean it helps you to moderate? My goal is to try 30 days AF before attempting to try to drink. I just upped my dose Sunday night and have suffered two very restless nights although not nearly as bad as the first. No other problems though so I will continue on. Good luck to you and I hope your bday present is worth it!


                My first date with Naltrexone

                Hi all, can anyone tell me what these meds and supps are. What they do etc... I am on day 5, I can not sleep very well and I like pepper would like to go af for a month and then have a go at being a moderate. However, at the moment I am just worrying about getting through tonight and it is only quarter to 11am, so I guess I have a long ways to go. Life is so much easier without the demon, you know the guy who throws your clothes around messes up the kitchen and spills coffee drips all along the hall in an attempt to reduce the miserable hangover, but nothing can get rid of the self hatred one feels and the fact that you worry who you phoned or texted and what you said. Ohh groan, it just keeps on nagging.
                :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


                  My first date with Naltrexone

                  Skid Row,

                  Have you downloaded or purchased the MWO book? If not I highly recommend you do so as it will give you a good foundation. There are different anti-craving meds--topamax is the one the book touts, but there is also naltrexone and campral. I'm sure there are a few others as well. The book also talks about supplements, a few of which help with cravings--kudzu, l-glutamine, milk thistle (helps repair liver function), b vitamins...there are many and you can find many more listed in the forums here.

                  You made me chuckle when you talked about worrying about who you phoned, texted and what in God's name did you say. I've been there so many times! Sometimes my dad would ask me about something we spoke about the night before and I didn't even remember talking to him at all! How awful is that!? Also finding clothes scattered all over when my sober self is quite the neat freak...yes, life is much easier AF. Keep up the good work I'm working through day 9 and I have felt it got easier after day 5. Take care!


                    My first date with Naltrexone

                    So, How is it going. I at first thought it wasn't great. Give me tons and of course I can't walk away, but give me a choice then WOW.


                      My first date with Naltrexone

                      Hi Pepper,

                      I guess what I mean is that it works well with beer. I am mostly a wine drinker and it doesn't work so well with wine for me . So with beer, I am in control. I guess that is the best answer I can give.



                        My first date with Naltrexone

                        I completely agree with Cindi. Naltrexone is the longer-term anti-craving drug. But in those first 36 hours or so, if done properly you should have been given Librium or something remarkably similar. I'm surprised to see so many posts on different boards where it seems the Doctor just gave Naltrexone and did not address the withdrawal symptoms.

                        Also, this is of course unsolicited advice, but please don't take Xanax with alcohol. I'll admit I've done it, a ton of people have, but it is a deadly "cocktail".


                          My first date with Naltrexone

                          NO no NO! Benzo's

                          Benzo's such as Xanax, diazepam etc. Are extremely good for controlling the dangerous period of alcohol detoxification between the second and fifth day. After this time they have absolutely no therapeutic benefit.
                          Continued use of benzodiazepenes after the fifth day is gratuitous and unnecessary. Anyone recovering from depressants or opiates who insist that they need continued drug therapy should be closely monitored.

                          Long Road
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                          Eleanor Roosevelt


                            My first date with Naltrexone

                            pepper;222094 wrote: Thank you both Db2, and hippie for responding! Last night went so much better and I am feeling much better this morning. I am very much relieved to feel quite normal this morning (although this is a new 'normal'). I actually feel good! LOL! Not that foggy, headachy, nauseous hungover me that I'm used to. Thank goodness!

                            I am not about to give up on the naltrexone yet and I have my fingers crossed that my supplements from MWO will arrive today so I will have some additional relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings. I will continue to post & let others know of my experiences!
                            I just signed on after reading the "hopeful" messages about using Naltroxene as part of my alcohol addiction recovery. Have been trying for many years (about 35) to help myself. Been to Residential Treatment, taken meds for depression, and still crave my wine fix . . . since retiring a year + ago that has increased from about 6 glasses every evening to 8 beginning as soon as I can get to the store to purchase my daily allotment (which oftentimes exceeds the quota.

                            Finally, finally I found a nurse practitioner who uses a holistic approach yet was willing to subscribe Naltroxene after researching with colleagues and determining it was worth a try for me in combination with counseling and perhaps acupuncture, vitamins, etc. I am procrastinating a trip to the pharmacy to fill the RX because I really do want to have "just one more day" with my friend named Wine.

                            Then, I came across this by Emily Dickinson"
                            perches in the soul
                            and sings the tune
                            that never stops.

                            Is there anyone out there who can sing to my soul and give hope that this will work for me? Any advice is welcome. Thank you


                              My first date with Naltrexone

                              Took my first dose of Naltrexone yesterday afternoon. Was irritable throughout the evening and poured myself a glass of wine early evening. Went to dinner with family and ordered another. The good news is that 2 glasses did not turn into 8 resulting in passing out at the table. Restless throughout the night, waking every hour with heat through the center of my body ( window cracked with 35 degrees outside Very stiff neck and shoulders this morning but did not pour the last of that bottle into my coffee cup
                              What is in store for the next few days?

