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anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

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    anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

    Just wondering if anyone is trying Chantix, the new stop smoking pill. I works like Naltrxone, only it doesn't cause liver damage. I have been taking it for about five days, and have to admit that my drinking has cut in half. Alcohol doesn't taste the same, and I don't get that "high". I also read that Chantix is marketed in Europe for weight loss. I wanted to try it because I quit smoking over 3 years ago, but I can not get off the nicatine gum. that is also cut in half, just in this shor time.
    I just wanted to share this information because I am scared to ask the doctor for anything to do with alcoholism. I can't do the topa because of the glaucoma thing. but, I have researched it and found that there are other anti-convulsants that are safe for gaucoma and have the same mechanism of action as topa.
    anyway, have a good one.

    anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

    My Hubby tried chantix for just over a week, but couldn't take the dreams & sleep loss.
    Is Chantix also an anti-convulsant?
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

      I was on chantix for 6 weeks at the beginning of the year. I quit smoking after 2 weeks so I stopped taking the meds. I relapsed a month later and now smoking again. I have 6 months of the script in my bathroom, just have to get the nerve up to try again. I didn't really have any issues with the drug at all. Another friend of mine took it as well to quit smoking and she did great, also no issues for her. And she's still not smoking 9 months later!

      I know it is supposed to maybe help with drinking as well. I am hoping to start again sometime soon.


        anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

        I think if the pill works with manageable side effects, that is fantastic. Smoking is so unhealthy and we should welcome meds to help with it.

        It does sound though that people should be very careful monitoring the side effects.


          anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

          Nancy, I agree. People should watch the sx. I had no problems but that was just me. It is a brain chemistry altering drug, just as anti depressants, topa, campral, nalxatrone, and many others are. Everyone reacts different to every med, so you need to be aware of the possible sx.


            anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill


            I skipped yesterday, and picked back up today. maybe, my level was a little high? I am sensitive to drugs. It doesn't take much for me. Anyway, I am just gonna be careful with it. If the no sleeping continues, I will get something to help from the doctor. I have been taking Benadryl, which helps a little. It does help with smoking, eating, and drinking. I have cut everything in half in ten days.


              anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

              Chantix, what a great drug. I am waiting for it to come out with the online pharmacies. I can't have it on my record. There I am out of the closet and smoke. Didn't smoke the past week but right when I got home I lit up one. If I am on vacation or visiting people who don't smoke I don't have a problem. Get me home though.....
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                I am one week on Chantix. Amazing drug, I think. I have lost all interest in smoking, and after "trying" to smoke, I threw the rest out yesterday. I also had just had 2 days AF for the first time in quite awhile, with no real cravings to drink..Don't know for sure if that is related but I guess i will see if it continues.

                No bad dreams yet.

                I will keep you posted.


                formerly known as bak310


                  anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                  Hi Everyone, yes the no sleeping and "working" dreams are a drawback. But, I'd rather take that than a hangover. I did drink last night, but only about half of what I was doing. I didn't take my evening dose either, so maybe I should have. I think this is a great drug. Lake others, there are side effects to keep an eye on. If I can not smoke, and learn to moderate my drinking it will be worth it. anyway, let's keep each other posted on how we are doing.


                    anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                    I just saw a news story tonight about how Chantix may be linked with suicidal thoughts. There is nothing proven yet that this is the reason that the people attempted suicide.

                    While I have never had any concerns the two times I've taken it(including now), it is something to watch out for.

                    Here's a link to one article about it. It's dated a few months ago, but they were talking about it tonight on CBS news.
           - Chantix: Miracle Drug Or Dangerous Problem?


                      anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                      Chantix has had some bad side affects for some. If you check the blogs related to the chantix website you can see. They cause really bad joint pain in some people. I could not take it because of the nausea. The murder suicide recently in Texas was blamed on the guy taking chantix. Actually I was contacted because of the blog by cbs and entertainment magazine but they were looking for people who had psychological problems from the drug. When you get down to it, all drugs have side effects for some but not for others and if it works for you then it is much better than smoking.


                        anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                        Yes, Maggiemoo you are right that all drugs have unexpected side effects. But it's worth noting that people who have drinking/smoking/psychological problems may be particularly prone to the effects of this drug.


                          anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                          I quite smoking using Chantix last August. I took it for 5 months and am now over a year since I quit smoking (I did slip up and had a couple at Christmas last year) but am definately over a year smoke free. I didn't notice any side effects. I no longer crave smoking and the smell of cigarette smoke is actually very unpleasant to me now. I'm hoping I can repeat that success using Campral with alcohol.

                          Chantix was a "miracle" drug for me. I had smoked for 18 years and had at least 6 serious attempts at quitting, the longest prior to the Chantix was 9 months using hypnosis. But even with the hypnosis I still craved a cigarette on almost a daily basis.


                            anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                            Hi Anthony

                            I think your story is amazing. It's a sign that despite the potentially very bad side effects, there are great possibilities.

                            Smoking is so destructive. I welcome a pill that may help and hope that people consider it as an option but go into it with their eyes open.


                              anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                              Hi all,

                              I'm taking Champix too and I stop smoking whilst i'm taking the tabs but once i stop i start smoking again!!! Think i'll ask the doc for some more because i do drink loads less when I take it, don't think he'll give it me tho apparently it's very expensive for doctors to prescribe it?? can you get it online? if so how much is it? thanks everyone, take good care and a happy, healthy new year to you all. xx

