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anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

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    anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

    I think the cost is around $100 a month for Chantix, but I haven't checked any of the online pharmacies. I quit when I took it the first time, but I only took it for 5 weeks and they recommend 3 - 6 months. within a couple months I started smoking again. I am taking ALL of the script this time! I've been cutting back all month, but tomorrow I'm done for sure!


      anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

      I am glad I saw this post. I just took my first pill today. I have been reading a lot about it and I think I will take my chances. Please keep sharing your experiences with it.
      AF Since December 2006


        anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

        Started Chantix a few months back and although I cut way back, never really quit. Had to stop taking it for a while for various reasons (like not even wanting to stop, sigh), but will give it another go in January. Just too much on my plate right now. Was taking Topamax, Cymbalta and Chantix all at the same time with no ill effects (with dr's supervision, of course). Have to wonder if I have any neurons left.

        A word to the wise... I found that I had to take it on a full stomach or the nausea was wicked. Ate half my breakfast, took the pill, then ate the other half seemed to do the trick.

        Still the best thing I've found for kicking the habit yet and belive me, I've tried them all and never made it more than two days.

        Hang in there guys!



          anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

          I wanted to stop smoking while I was on Campril. Only 6 weeks sober. My Dr. said to keep smoking for now . That shocked me but his reasoning made sense.

          " You are fighting one battle right now with alcohol, you don't need to fight the battle with smoking. Fighting to wars at once will more than make you lose both battles."

          Now one year AF I am going to take on battle 2.......Good luck to everyone else thats going to try.

          This could be a new support group!!!:thumbysup:
          AF Since December 2006


            anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

            I was on Topomax last year for about a month. However, I could not handle the side effects and it greatly impacted my ability to do my job. Therefore, I quit and got back up to 1 and 1/2 bottles of wine per day. Yesterday, I had my annual physical and my Chorestrol numbers are off the chart. My doctor asked about my quanity of drinks per day. I did not tell him the truth but he explained that when your MVC is 101, it usually means excessive alcohol is involved. He recommended that I try Chantix. I will give it a try starting next week. I will keep you posted. Not happy where I am right now but there is always hope for tomorrow.


              anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

              Bo, so your doc prescribed Chantix to reduce drinking? I haven't heard of any doc prescribing for that yet. I know there's been a little info on it regarding drinking though.

              By the way, docs know we are lying about how much we drink.


                anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                Bo, I tried taking Chantix for a month and it didn't help me to quit drinking. I too, can easily drink 1 and 1/2 bottles of wine in a sitting. Your better off sticking with the supplements that MWO recommends.


                  anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                  cymbalta, topamax anf chantix

                  [QUOTE=middlepathpilgrim;247784]Started Chantix a few months back and although I cut way back, never really quit. Had to stop taking it for a while for various reasons (like not even wanting to stop, sigh), but will give it another go in January. Just too much on my plate right now. Was taking Topamax, Cymbalta and Chantix all at the same time with no ill effects (with dr's supervision, of course). Have to wonder if I have any neurons left.

                  QUESTION- If you don't mind, would you tell me your dosages that you were taking on all these meds? I am on 30 mg. cymbalta, and also taking campral, and am interested in chantix or topamax to help me stop smoking. THANKS


                    anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                    Chantix rocks..

                    I have been taking chantix for a week now and the results have been amazing. I had been dring 1 and a half bottles of wine per night and it was getting out of control. Realizing that my health was on the decline, I realized I really needed to do something about smoking and drinking to excess. Realizing that I could never quit smoking without quitting drinking first, I started chantix and suddenly started to have very positive thoughts (like an antidepressant almost) and more importantly, had no desire to mess that up by drinking. So far so good. AF for one week and none of the cravings I got when I stopped drinking for a few days. Chantix is in trials for treatment for alcohol dependence. Maybe it could work with the same succes I have had. 1 week at a time though I will update you on my progress.


                      anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                      I quit smoking for a month but did not keep the maintenance going for 3 to 6 months as suggested. I relapsed into smoking again, but it did work well. I too had trouble sleeping and when I did sleep I had very vivid and "crazy" dreams. I have been sober now 5 1/2 months .


                        anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                          I took this drug for 6 months 6 years ago when I quit smoking. I am still not smoking, and notably as I recall when I was taking Chantix the drinking desire was very low, I must admit indeed.
                          AF since 10/20/2013
                          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                          Meat free since 09/20/2008
                          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                            anyone on Chantix? stop smoking pill

                            I took Chantix when is was suit ting smoking and it in fact does reduce desire to drink as well.
                            AF since 10/20/2013
                            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                            Meat free since 09/20/2008
                            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles

