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L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

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    L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?



    Can anyone tell me if L-Glutamine is full of calories or how fattening it is. I've been taking it for nearly 3 weeks now and although I am watching my weight by following the weight watchers programme my weight has remained the same. So yesterday it occured to me that maybe as L-glutamine is a building block of protien, I am taking the powder form 3/4 teaspoons per day, it might actually be very very fattening. I am not on TOPA yet but taking all the other recommended sups

    It is certainly doing the trick in helping the cravings because I am now day 17 AF so I don't want to stop taking it, but, if I know it is having an effect on my weight I will stop beating myself up as to why it is not coming off. Being alcohol free is is by far more important than carrying a few extra pounds on my hips

    Thanks in advance for any help

    :h Sweetpea :h
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

    L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

    Hi Sweetpea

    I don't know about L-Glut so hopefully someone will write back about that.
    I had a similar issue and I think it might have been down to anti-depressants, some of which have a side effect of weight gain. You might want to review your medications.


      L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

      yes... I remember from my body building days.. OK- NO LAUGHING ANYONE - IT WAS THE 80'S

      L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid which is very important to bodybuilders because it has a muscle sparing effect after intense physical stress. Roughly 60% of free-form amino acids floating in skeletal muscles is L-glutamine. After an intense workout, glutamine levels in the body are reduced by as much as 50%. Supplementing with L-Glutamine may help body builders reduce the amount of muscle deterioration that occurs because other tissues that need glutamine will not rob the glutamine stored in the muscle cells.

      helps to build muscle...muscle weighs more than fat...

      I am not sure if you are working out as well as weight watchers, but it may be why the scales aren't tipping right now. I would give it a few weeks, though. It should balance out...

      Hope this helps..

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

        I take L-glutamine. the powder form. I think it like 5g a serving I put it in my protein drink in the morning. Haven't noticed any weight gain.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

          L-glutamine is actually recommended for people wanting to lose weight because it reduces your desire for sugar. I have never heard of it causing you to gain weight, quite the opposite. It is good for many things, not just alcohol cravings. You can take up to 15g a day. The only side effect I have ever heard of is that if you start at a high dose you might have some stomach discomfort, so you should work your way up. I take 10g a day, divided in two doses. It should be taken on an empty stomach without other supplements.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

            Hey girl, i have the same problem as you! i didnt understand it.. i took glutamine, kudzu, and tyrosne, and fish oil pills, and counted 1500 cals a day. i never had a problem losing weight when i counted 1700 a day. i did dthat for two weeks, and felt my jeans not getting looser, and i was right. i weighed myself, and didnt lose a damn pound! i was sooo disappointed i went out to friendlys and had the biggest ice cream and french fries with cheese! hehehe.. i read online and there is nothing about weight gain from any of that stuff... the fish oil pills have calories, but i counted the amount they have with the calories i was having, so thats not my reason. i dont get it... still dont... but in my mind, everyone body is different, so if u didnt lose, its POSSIBLe its from the glutamine. i know as soon as i stopped all that, i only ate well for like three days, but i lost like a pound or two, vs before when i lost nothing...


              L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

              ditto what Beatle said. I've been taking it for a year and losing weight quite easily.
              L-Glut also helps repair damage to the intestinal walls so it may be a temporary "readjustment" time while your digestive system gets healthy again.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                I have only gained weight since I stopped or moderate with alcohol. It's puzzling. I know I do eat much more and better now, but still, if I do the math, I am eating less extra calories than I was drinking. In other words, my calorie intake is lower after stopping drinking, yet I have gained weight. I think maybe Determinator is right, maybe it just takes the body a while to adjust. No matter what, it's better than alcohol.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                  :h Hi Everyone

                  Thanyou so much for all your replies and advice. I think as you say it must be the adjustment period that I am going through

                  I actually stopped taking it a couple of days ago and have noticed my desire to eat chocolates increased dreamatically. I will start again taking 15 mg a day divided into 3 doses and then after a couple of days 10 mg into 2 doses as suggested by Beatle

                  As you say determinator if it repairs the intestinal walls then its got to be the way to go. God knows what all that booze has been doing to my insides

                  I am now 22 Days AF so something is working well for me - Its all the wonderful support | am getting from you all that is really making all the difference

                  Thanks everyone :l :h to you all Sweetpea xx
                  :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                    L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                    22 days AF is remarkable! Good for you, sp!


                      L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                      Great on you for 22 days. Is there a reason you need to go down to 10mg l-glut? If 15mg is working for you, maybe you should stay there? The reason I do 10mg is that I take 5mg at a time and I can only manage to find about 2 times a day when my stomach is empty (I snack a lot, and eat irregular meals).
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                        Sorry Beatle misunderstood what you meant. There is no reason why I cannot stay on the 15mg if that is a better dose. I hope the desire for Sweet things takes a hold pretty soon because my hand keeps dipping into a chocolate box that a friend bought as a present when coming to dinner the other night.

                        I keep wondering if my addictive nature has turned from alcohol to chocolate!!! Still better to be plump than permanently off my head with booze!!

                        Now on day 23 - I keep wishing the 30 day milestone to arrive

                        Take care everyone

                        :l :h Sweetpea xxxxx
                        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                          L-Glutamine Powder/Tablets How fattening is it?

                          23 is great! Congrats! I say, keep taking 15mg L-glut. I would if I didn't snack so much. It's also supposed to do great things for your brain and body. ... and if it's a choice between chocolate and booze, you know where to let your hand go. (Just don't let it go too far).
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

