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When does topa kick in usually

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    When does topa kick in usually

    I mis read the directions for taking topa in the book. Instead of seeing week I saw day - so the first day I took 25 mg. second day 50mg, third day 75mg, 4th day 100mg and then I realized i misread....then went back to taking 25mg. I did not have any side effects at all. And I just started on my second week at 50mg of topa along with the supps and honestly I could actually still sit down with a glass of wine which I know would definitely lead to the whole bottle - because that happened last night. When does the topa kick in. I am 48,
    5'4" and 130lbs. Oh and female.

    When does topa kick in usually

    Hey, Bugsy!

    You will know when you are at the right dose.. everyone is different. It may be that you had a big influx of it last week. Be patient and read as much on TOPA here as you can. It also takes wrapping yoru mind around the fact that you are not drinking - for me that took longer than the topa, but the topa just took the edge of the cravings - for me anyway.

    Good luck and stay in touch!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      When does topa kick in usually

      This is my second go at topa. MM is right---topa may take away the cravings but you have to wrap your mind around this whole pile of shit...sorry to be so blunt.
      I was up to 150mg and stopped for many reasons. Now I am back, but I really will try never to go over 50mg...does it help...Yes..if I allow it. It's a mindset. This is a hard gig.
      A lot of people can handle a higher dose of topa and have success. I am trying to have success at a lower dose. Find your dose and let us know! I want to know!


        When does topa kick in usually

        Thank you so much, both of you for the advice. I will have patience and let you know. Right now - I would love to have a glass of wine, but I know that would lead to a bottle, so I already decided this morning I would not have any wine for 2 nights and allow myself some tomorrow night. Will keep in touch! THANKS!!!!


          When does topa kick in usually

          i think it varies person to person ... you just have to see what works for you. i'm utterly shocked that 50 mg seems to be doing it for me. did my one week on 25mg. drank as much as normal (maybe a teensy bit less but more because of the circumstances than not wanting to/not craving it). went up to 50 mg. all of a sudden a bottle of wine has been sitting on my counter for three days and it's still not gone. WTF???? i had a glass last night and it lasted an HOUR (i've never in my life had a glass of wine last an hour) and i'm a little sad but also happy to report that i didn't enjoy it very much. it tasted ok but i'm so dehydrated it didn't feel very good. and so i walked down to the corner and got a hot chai and went to the bookstore (me! ME ... the person who pours one, then another, then goes to the tv, puts on a movie, then pours another, and doesn't leave the house!) and ended up meeting the people who bought our local bookstore five mos ago and chatting with them for an hour and getting invited to dinner @ their house. and bought some xmas presents. hmmm. what a concept. i met new people. and had a conversation. and got invited somewhere. and got something productive done. instead of getting drunk alone while staring into a stupid box.

          all because of 50 mgs of a pill i bought online. go figure.


            When does topa kick in usually


            Glad to know you're doing so well on 50mg of topa! I'm starting to see a definite difference at 50mg, but would like to see more improvement -- saw my doc tonight, and we both agreed to try 75mg, see if that kicks me into high gear.

            My hope is that'll be the extra boost I need.
            Taking it all in


              When does topa kick in usually

              Vino, Hopeful,

              Are you taking your 50 mg in two doses, morning and afternoon? Or one does, morning or afternoon?


              AF April 9, 2016


                When does topa kick in usually

                Hi Everyone -

                I have been at 25 mg of Topamax for a week now and have cut my drinking almost in half. I did have to change the time at which I took the Topamax though. I noticed the closer I take it to the time I normally start drinking the less I drink. It doesn't taste as good as it used to for one thing. I don't drink it as fast as I used to either. I have not had any AF days yet, but am going to 50 mg tomorrow per my doctor and hoping for less cravings. An AF day for the first time in years would be great!! All we can do is keep trying. Good luck everyone!!


                  When does topa kick in usually

                  I'm at 75 and upping to 100mg but I've had lots of stress.. it seems to work when I do the supps and can relax... most say they go up to 175. It was working for me at 25 and 50... but as I said stress... need to keep the supps going... but when I get goofy... that doesn't go well.. people would rather I be drinking under better control than foggy and disoriented. Kudzu and the LGlut and the All in One always works... and just backing off the stress when ever possible. Good luck. Let me know how you sleep with the after noon meds.
                  Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                    When does topa kick in usually

                    Hi Cindi ... On 50, I was taking it @ night (all right before bed).

                    So an add on to that story (I"m aiming for moderation, not for quitting, btw) had friends over the night after that post and 3 glasses of wine over the course 3.5 hrs. So it's not like the urge is totally gone. On the other hand, I quit going after they left and there was still a bottle of red wine half full (I didn't drain it the way I typically would have ... my 'old' self would never have left that thing alone). Real progress! This is the kind of behavior I want. To be able to drink or not drink when by myself (and to prefer to NOT drink by myself). And to be able to have a few with friends when they come by. I went up to 75 mg starting yesterday (25 mg in the am, 50 mg in the pm), and i think that's where i'll stay if i can moderate here. The weirdness w/the hair makes me too scared to go any higher (weird texture since hitting 50 mgs and tons comiing out in my hairbrush and its not like i have a lot to lose; my hair is superfine & thin as it is).

