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    This is the drug my physician prescribed for me, a very low dosage. Is anyone else taking it--and if yes, is it working for you? Do you suffer any side effects


    Sky, this is my admittedly minimal experience with Naltrexone and first I need to tell you that i did not get a scrip for it but ordered from riverpharmacy. It came from India in foil packets labeled Nodict. I looked it up online from other sources before taking it to be sure that this was the same thing as Naltrexone, and it seems that it is the Indian name for it. However, one really has no way of knowing and Rxlist .com did not list Nodict as they seem to only have US and Canadian manufacturers sourced.

    I took one tablet one night last week before going to bed. I had had nothing to drink in two days. (I am a binge drinker, not an everyday drinker.) I slept very poorly and in the morning felt nauseous and weak. Did not drink that night or the next night but really didn't feel well. Overdrank Friday night, hangover Saturday, did not take another tablet until Sunday (yesterday) morning, I wanted to feel the effects of taking it in the daytime. About an hour after taking it, I felt dizzy and sick, and fell asleep on the couch for an hour and a half. Forced myself to get up and have some soup for lunch. Felt nauseous, weak and out of it all day, as if I had been poisoned. Guess what? I didn't want a drink Sunday night; however, nor did I really want the garlic bread and fresh dungenness crab my husband made for dinner. Which is my favorite meal. This morning, I am still vaguely nauseous and although the thought of having a drink makes me feel ill, so does the thought of taking another naltrexone. In fact, even as I was throwing them in the trash I felt I was going to throw up. Now, perhaps the Indian version is different, or has fillers, or wasn't even naltrexone, I don't know. But honestly, I'd rather have a hangover, at least I know for a fact what alcohol is and what it is doing to me.
    And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"



      Hello Skydancer, I have not posted in awhile, thought it would be a good idea to come back and recharge and refocus. I had been AF during the week and mods on weekends for about 3 weeks. I slipped up over the Thanksgiving holiday and after, family stress I guess. So, here I am ready to get back on track and and stick with what I started. I had been on Naltrexone at one time and it did work for awhile (look up sinclair method) however no pill can take away that voice that says I'll just have one cause I always do after work or whatever excuses we make to ourselves. Anyway, I did order mine from Riverpharmacy and have had no side effects. I did let my doctor know when I got up the nerve and she felt it was ok. I had been off it as it seems to only work for a short period of time. I just stared taking them again after this past week and was ok last night, maybe alittle tired but no big cravings. I think the more amunition you have in your arsenal the better. I have also been on Campral, Kuduz and some other sups through this site. I have found no one thing works for everyone. My thought is try one thing at a time and definetly work with your doctor & therapist or who ever your professional support may be. Best to you



        I have had good success on Naltrexone when I actually take it. My problem lately is that I started fooling around w/not taking it sometimes. I need to get back to taking it EVERY day.

        But, basically, it has had almost no side effects for me. The first day that I took it (and when I restart after having been off of it for awhile), I do feel very tired and kinda like a stoned feeling. But, that really just happens w/the first pill. I recommend taking it the first time at night or sometime when you don't have anything you need to do or anywhere you have to go (sometime when you could take a nap or just go to bed if you want to). But, other than that, I've had absolutely no side effects from it except it is very hard to get a good buzz going. LOL Just teasing, of course that is the whole point of this medication. ;->

        By the way, mine is a Rx through my regular doctor.



          Oh, I should add, though, that I think taking the supps and doing the hypno really helps a lot too. I think it all goes together very well. The only supp I don't take is Kudzu. Its expensive to take in the dosages recommended and so I just figured I'd tried doing everything else to see if that was enough. And, for me, it is. Now, I just need to get back to actually DOing it all!



            Yes I am taking. I was given one half of a pill at the "clinic" to see how I reacted. I was mildy light headed for about 10 minutes. If you are to continue please use a Physician based where you live. Naltrexone is relatively safe but taking it here and there is not going to do anyone any good. If you do have health insurance you can buy the generic for cheap from Walgreen's/CVS for around $10. Another alternative is Vivitrol. Vivitrol is a monthly injection. The active ingredient is Naltrexone. It takes the guess work out of when, why, should I take the pill.



              have had good success on Naltrexone when I actually take it. My problem lately is that I started fooling around w/not taking it sometimes. I need to get back to taking it EVERY day.

              But, basically, it has had almost no side effects for me. The first day that I took it (and when I restart after having been off of it for awhile), I do feel very tired and kinda like a stoned feeling. But, that really just happens w/the first pill. I recommend taking it the first time at night or sometime when you don't have anything you need to do or anywhere you have to go (sometime when you could take a nap or just go to bed if you want to). But, other than that, I've had absolutely no side effects from it except it is very hard to get a good buzz going. LOL Just teasing, of course that is the whole point of this medication. ;->

              By the way, mine is a Rx through my regular doctor.
              My experience so far is the same as adagirl, I've only been on it 1 week, but for me so far so good. I am a very heavy drinker and have been drinking for about 30 yrs progressivly getting worst. To be sober 1 week is quite amazing to say the least. I am also under my doctors supervision



                just a guess here, but since the effect wears off when you take it all the time, shouldn't we take it just prior to an event where we think we could slip? I've heard it helps significantly with reducing binge drinking. any thoughts?
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

