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Topamax success story -- completion of prescription?

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    Topamax success story -- completion of prescription?

    Has anyone out there "finished" a Topa treatment phase successfully who can share his/her story? I can't seem to find a definitive answer re: duration of treatment (although one of the posted articles on the MWO site says 3-6 mos.)...I am *hoping* someone out there can say they followed doc's orders, managed side effects ok, titrated up to a therapeutic dose, stayed there for a prescribed duration, and then slowly weaned off, without an increase in cravings -- or at least, nothing intolerable -- and went on with life, sans Topamax but armed with new strength against the bottle.

    Is such a scenario wishful thinking?

    So many folks (myself included) have given Topa a try, and I have generally been quite pleased with the results (besides the loss in IQ, not to mention weight that I didn't plan to lose), but definitely don't want to stay on this stuff forever... hope someone out there can say Yes! It's just a temporary measure! like a cast on a broken, healing arm.

    Thanks in advance for your two cents, and best wishes to all...

    Topamax success story -- completion of prescription?

    Blondiegrrrl! Jane Jane here. I've been going back to read all my old posts and found a thread from August that you started and I responded to several times. I began to wonder how you are, as your story sounded so like my own.

    I'm sorry I can't help with the Topamax question, though. I'm doing this sans chemicals of any kind, as my cravings are psychological, not physical.

    How is your husband? Still being supportive? After we last exchanged posts, I entered a rather jolly autumn phase, wherein I (oh I'm ashamed) went right back to my pinot grigio habit. Then the holidays! Oooh, they were some kinda fun, too. of January 2 this year, I'm re-committed to being AF, and have made it 15 days.

    Just thinking of you and wanted to say in '08!
    Jane Jane


      Topamax success story -- completion of prescription?

      Hi Blondie!

      I am still onTopamax. I did the prescribed amount, doage, tiration, etc.. and was a walking zombie, so I stopped, and started drinking again. I have started back on Topa, but take only 50mgs, in the eveing and feel great with that. have NO side effects at all. maybe a bit of brain fog, but have only been on it for about two weeks consistantly again. I am going to give it a while, so I can't give you my input just yet, by I am also hopeful. I am going through some personal trials, so I am using all the tools in my box to remain AF (have been since Jan 6th). I truly believe that all the scenarios in your post are attainable as many do it without Topamax. I am also looking at it like a cast on a broken limb.. it will heal. We will know when it is time to remove it. I trust that.

      BTW - what dosage are you on? You may want to start dosing down when you are ready. That may be a way for you to test it.. just a thought.


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Topamax success story -- completion of prescription?

        does anyone know rj's full story? did she ever dose down? does she ever post? I'd love to hear it.
        "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
        Betty Ford

