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depression with topomax?

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    depression with topomax?

    Hey guys, i am still wating to see if kuzu and glutamine work when i go out and drink. however, if not, i am going to maybe try the topomax as my last resort before going af completely and attending aa meetings. one thing i was reading though , is that topomax may increase depression. i already have depression issues... i this true? what side effects did anyone here have who took topomax and did you have depression?

    depression with topomax?

    Wow, I didn't know that! I'm having some depression issues and haven't in a while so I wonder...... Of course, my mom died last year on Christmas Eve so I'm thinking that may have something to do with it too! But usually I can push away the depression and I'm giving into it more lately. Hmmmm. Something to think about. You might try 5-HTP as part of your regimin it helps mood.


      depression with topomax?

      Hey Gret, I havent began the topomax yet. Im not sure if I am going to, gotta see how the kudzu and glut work first. however, yes, i 've taken 5-htp everyday for a few years, so its lost alot of effectiveness, but still works mildly.


        depression with topomax?


        Depression is a complex and challenging condition and often accompanies alcohol dependence. It also accompanies this time of year for many people. Anyone reading the boards this past few weeks can see that a number of you are hitting a rough patch.

        It's true that Topamax may cause depression, either short or long term, and it is a reported side effect. Some patients quit taking the medication for this reason; others find themselves lifted from depression because they are finally released from their addiction to alcohol. It affects individuals differently so it's important you monitor your condition carefully and report any changes to your doctor.

        If you're feeling depressed, you may want to talk to your health care provider about adding the dietary supplement SAM-e to your regimen. It typically works quickly, increasing serotonin and dopamine activity in the brain to lift mood. Note that it?s not recommended for anyone who suffers with bipolar disorder because it can induce episodes of mania. It should be taken within the context of a nutritional plan that includes a multivitamin, especially the B-vitamins. It?s a relatively expensive supplement--as supplements go--but you shouldn't suffer the same side effects associated with anti-depressants (e.g. weight gain, loss of libido, fatigue, anxiety, etc.) You?ll want to make sure you get the highest possible quality product and one that is ?enteric coated? which means it won?t dissolve until it gets into the intestines.

        The product information in this Newsweek article is a bit outdated, but it's so well written, I wanted to share it. We in the US have been relatively late in adopting SAM-e, but I think it's finally getting the recognition it deserves. Interestingly, it?s also used to treat liver disorder, fibromyalgia, arthritis and other conditions. Pretty amazing stuff.

        Wishing you all well,

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          depression with topomax?

          hey Roberta, yes I know of Sam-e as well. i tried it a few years ago, but I remember having difficulty sleeping and also it is expensive,, but you just put a thought in my head to maybe try it again if i can possibly afford it. =)


            depression with topomax?

            hmmmm .... i just wonder whether sam-e and topa are a good combo (given that a primary way that topa functions is by washing excess dopa from your brain). any thoughts on that?

            to the poster asking about depression issues: you just have to try and see; and work closely w/your health care provider or monitor yourself very closely. personally, i've found it helping with depresssion because my alcohol intake has gone down so drastically (alcohol is a major depressant). also, topa is used to treat bipolar disorder, so has mood regulating effects. how it impacts you will turn largely on your own body chemistry and on whether you're taking other drugs and/or supps with it. i'm taking 100 mg topa and various supplements, but no other medications and so far so good. that said, i did drink too much @ a christmas party last night. surprised me. i haven't been having more than one in a night in quite a while and had (guessing) six or so last night. can't believe i used to drink like that every night for years or feel this bad every morning. it shocks me to think of it now when just a couple of months ago it was my 'normal.' the minor side effects i've had from the topa are well worth the benefits i've had so far.


              depression with topomax?

              rj - would you recommend stopping antidepressants when starting topa, supps and cds?


                depression with topomax?


                I would recommend talking to your doctor.

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                  depression with topomax?

                  Hey Vino, im not sure of the answer to the question of same and topa being a good combo. i heard other people saying that they took topa and needed to take antidepressants with the topa due to the topamine causing depression. everyones brains are different-that is true.. so who really knows!

