I take:
-25 mg Zoloft for depression (down from 100mg), long standing problem but have been very well for 18 mo. (no depression, but lots of wine...3/4 to 1 bottle per night, every night with the odd beer as a night cap)... But Doc wants to wean me slowly off ZOLOFT since I had a bad experience coming off effexor 2 years ago. (BTW Doc does not know about AL habit, I lie like a trooper, doubt I fool him, but don?t ask- don?t tell and I don?t want AL issue in my already bulging Medical records.)
-150mg Wellbutrin (started 4 weeks ago) because Doc is concerned that I still need AD.... but I am freaked over 35 lb. weight gain & Wellbutrin is supposed to be weight neutral. Zoloft is probably keeping weight on...OR could it be the wine haha!! :duh:
-5 mg Lunesta/Zopiclone ( this is a habit forming sleep aid) nightly because my depression is triggered by lack of sleep, among other things and best way for me to stay well is to always get a good night?s sleep. Used to take 50 mg of trazodone for sleep...it is an older type of AD that causes drowsiness, BUT also contributes to weight gain......so weaned off Trazodone and switched to Lunesta/Zopiclone about 6 weeks ago.
Stopping Zoloft in 4 days, no withdrawal issues from weaning and don?t feel depressed, despite all sorts of family issues, traveling husband, daughter?s wedding in 2 months... I could go ...just life....take it as it comes.
I want to get off Lunesta/Zopiclone...have enough addiction issues without adding sleeping pills... side effects are nasty... (Drowsiness in mornings and TERRIBLE taste in mouth). I feel better on the Wellbutrin and have been able to modify to no drinking or 1 glass of wine, 3 out of 7 days. Yeah!! Go me!!
I want to take all the MWO supps , but here is where I get nervous...
Can I take all the supps with Wellbutrin? What about combining SAMe w/ Wellbutrin and are the calming supps enough to help me sleep after 15 years of using some type of sleep aid. I would love this to be a smooth transition but I freeze when I contemplate going sleepless and the havoc I know will bring. :anyone:
If I need some sleep aid during the time it will take my body to learn to sleep without drugs, what should I consider? something in the herb/natural category? and are these OK to use with Wellbutrin?
Is this all too much change for me?? (I have been on ADs for on & off 15 years)
I can feel the AL cravings lessening... due to Wellbutrin I think AND also I believe because of reduced Zoloft consumption.
I truly believe there is an connection to AD use and increased drinking...I hope to get some comments on that idea as well.
OMGosh is this longest, most boring post ever?
I have been reading here for hours and hours per week and I want to thank every single person for the hope and inspiration I get here. Now I am crying, I am really overwhelmed to have access to all this incredible knowledge experience and bravery. Thank you all so much.
Fresh :thanks:
PS I have much experience and knowledge about (evil)effexor... weaning, side effects,
etc.if anyone wants to PM me.