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Herbal remedies for smoking

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    Herbal remedies for smoking

    mn-mom I have also heard that hypnotism works really well. it is supposed to help with cravings but you still go through withdrawl .

    I just wish luck to all of you who are trying to quit smoking

    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      Herbal remedies for smoking

      Hello all,
      I certainly recommend Chantix for those who seriously considers quiting...Doc recomended taking for a month (or more, depending on how many/how offen)...I smoked for 12 years about a pack for two days and with chantix quit within 2 weeks. My last smoke was in september, so it is now 4 months for me and I don't even crave it......Just thought I'd let you know I'm a true believer in Chantix. Wellbutrin and other medications along with hearbs didn't work for me.


        Herbal remedies for smoking

        I heard Chantix causes heart attacks. Scary
        I found an herbal remedy-Lobelia. Will try that when I get up to that point. Thanks everyone.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Herbal remedies for smoking

          livingfree;263803 wrote: Ripple - I know exactly what you mean. Are you on Topamax? I believe Chantix can help, but the suicide risk is something to consider with Chantix. What have you used to try to quit before? If you are on topa - I would tell your Dr. before you start Chantix. 21 mg nicotine patches helped me get over the physical habit before I ever started with the herbal. I took LOTS of time on the nicotine patches, because the physical addiction is so strong. Everyone is different - so you do what is right for you. Good luck. I'm cheering for you.
          Nope, I am on Campral though and I am not suicidal, never have been! I have never used anything to quit before as i didn't smoke that much. Hubby has been on the patch for 10 years and still smokes. I'll report when i start Chantix, not ready yet. thanks.

          Luv Ripple~


            Herbal remedies for smoking

            question for Lukalee33

            Lukalee33 - I don't know if you'll check back on this post - but have a question for you -- what and where are you finding Lobelia? I had seen it in a patch form a couple of years ago, but searched the internet for an hour last night and couldn't find it. I heard it's more effective in a patch than a pill form. Any info you have is appreciated!!

            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Herbal remedies for smoking

              Me again Lukealee33 - ok - here's the scoop just in case you happen to check back here before you quit smoking. I quit smoking on November 28, 2007. (1 pack a day habit) and went on the nicotine patch replacement. I stayed on the 21 mg patch for 7 weeks, the 14 mg patch for almost 3 weeks, and then 7 mg patch for 1week. I've been having withdrawal ever since i went on the 14 mg patch - so am not sure it was worth it at all. Looking back - I wish I would have gone cold turkey on Nov. 28th and just gutted it out and gotten over the physical side of things. Now here I am over 2 1/2 months later going through this CRAP. I KNOW it's been harder than the alcohol withdrawal. So .... today marks the 1st day with NO nicotine replacement. I bought the lobelia extract today to try to keep the symptoms at bay - but tonight I already feel the tightness in the chest, the anxious, angry, gnawing, frustrating feeling. So here I go. I'm guessing it's going to be a fricking week of this S*^T - but I'll report back - to journal the process. I am hoping that the MWO supplements plus lobelia help. I can not tell you how glad I will be when I am down the road a long ways from all of this.
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Herbal remedies for smoking

                Livingfree, how is it going without the patch? Is the lobelia working?
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  Herbal remedies for smoking

                  Finally Feeling better!

                  Lukalee33 - If I am going to be a poster child for anything thing right at the moment - it's going to be for the lobelia supplement. I am officially 7 days nicotine free and would recommend it over the Nicotine Replacement Patch. Looking back - I was in constant nicotine withdrawal for2 1/2 months on NRT. When I went off the last patch - I was still 72 hours in withdrawal (which is what you are when you stop smoking from day one). So the only advantage I gained was getting over the physical habit of putting the cig to my mouth. It wasn't worth the Physical Neurological withdrawal symptoms. The lobelia seems to feel like I'm smoking (as much as I hate to admit that! - but I know it's not addictive). The Lobelia also aids your lungs in healing. So a good thing all around. I felt pretty intense withdrawal day one on the lobelia, I felt mild symptoms the 2nd and 3rd day but by day 4 felt nothing. I'll let you know in another week how it's going. But I am doing much better finally!
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    Herbal remedies for smoking

                    I quit smoking on Chantix though I have tried to do cold turkey on two occasions, but of no use. I have smoked for around 5 yrs with pack a day. Thanks to chantix and the support my family provided me. It really helped me to get over my nicotine addiction and I don?t feel craving anymore. There is one thing which I would like to share and which helped me a lot initially, try having a glass of water when you feel craving the most. It a tough road but it's worth so best luck to all those who want to give up smoking.
                    Chantix is FDA approved drug.


                      Herbal remedies for smoking

                      I thought chantix can cause suicidal thoughts, dangerous that.


                        Herbal remedies for smoking


