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Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

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    Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

    Info about Chantix in the news.

    FDA: Chantix may pose psychiatric risks - Yahoo! News

    WASHINGTON - Government regulators said Friday the connection between Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix and serious psychiatric problems is "increasingly likely."

    The Food and Drug Administration said it has received reports of 37 suicides and more than 400 of suicidal behavior in connection with the drug. In November, the agency began investigating reports of depression, agitation and suicidal behavior among patients taking the popular twice-daily pill.

    The agency's announcement comes two weeks after Pfizer added stronger warnings to the drug. In doing so, the company stressed that a direct link between Chantix and the reported psychiatric problems has not been established, but could not be ruled out.

    Pfizer suggested that since nicotine withdrawal alone can cause mood swings and agitation, it may be impossible to determine if Chantix aggravates those behaviors.

    But FDA said it found evidence of Chantix patients who experienced psychiatric problems even though they were still smoking.

    "There are a number of compelling cases that look like they are the result of exposure to the drug itself and not other causes," said Bob Rappaport, a director at FDA's drug evaluation center. Some patients experienced the same psychiatric problems after they stopped using Chantix, he said, suggesting a negative reaction to withdrawal.

    In a public advisory released Friday, FDA said patients taking Chantix should tell their doctor about any history of mental illness. Patients and family members should watch for any changes in mood and behavior.

    "Chantix may cause worsening of current psychiatric illness even if it is currently under control," reads the statement. "It may also cause an old psychiatric illness to reoccur."

    FDA noted that patients with psychiatric problems were not included in the original studies used to test Chantix's safety.

    Approved in May 2006, Chantix, already prescribed 4 million times in the U.S., has been one of the few bright spots on Pfizer's balance sheet. For full-year 2007, the drug had sales of $883 million, helping offset lower sales of older drugs, such as the antidepressant Zoloft, which face generic competition.

    The tablets work by binding to nicotine receptors in the brain, reducing the symptoms of withdrawal.

    GlaxoSmithKline makes Zyban, the only other non-nicotine, anti-smoking drug for sale in the U.S. Part of the antidepressant drug class, Zyban includes warnings about increased suicidal behavior.

    Shares of Pfizer Inc. rose 23 cents to close at $23.59 Friday.

    Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

    So, Marcie, other than the uncontrollable tic, how are you doing? :H

    Actually, I shouldn't make light of it, but that is my nature. These drugs that affect our brain are all capable of causing psychiatric issues. Prozac, Wellbrutin (Zyban), Effexor, Lexapro, etc, etc.

    What is truly sad is ALCOHOL is one of those drugs.

    However, at the same time, lots of these drugs save lives, too.

    Perhaps rather than erring on the side of caution, we need to step back and look at how things are prescribed and then followed up.

    Like, "Okay, here's your prescription, I'll see you in two months...."

    More like, "Let's try this drug to help you with , and we will follow up weekly to see how you are doing with it..."

    Shoot, I don't know. I hate to throw the baby out with the bath water.

    I do know that some of these drugs have helped many bipolar/depressed/OCD patients immensely and hurt others.

    Any other thoughts from others out there?

    AF April 9, 2016


      Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

      Cindi, Chantix has pretty much been a miracle pill for me to stop smoking. It just took away the desire to smoke. Similar to how Campral works I think. There was also a warning about seizure meds and suicide in the news(I posted this on another thread). Topa is a seizure med.

      I've had psychiatric issues in my past with a suicide attempt and being on anti d's for a while. It sounds like I would have been in a "high risk" group, but I had no problems.
      Obviously the risks need to be looked at, everyone reacts differently to meds.


        Chantix may cause psychiatric risks


        Thank you for your reply because it is the point I am trying to make.

        There are probably thousands (or maybe millions?) who would do great with Chantix and NOT suffer an issue with it. Unfortunately, there may be some small percentage who suffer horrible side effects, such as suicidal thoughts and actions.

        Do we want the FDA to ban the drug? I think not. What we do want is for our health care providers to be aware of the risks and do prudent instructions and follow-ups to insure that those who are prescribed these meds are not in that small percentage.

        Just like the anti-seizures (read the post of course.)

        I had a niece-in-law who committed suicide that suffered from horrible bipolar issues. She stabbed herself in the heart with a knife. One can only wonder how bad things were that she did that. The thought chills me, being so "down" you could actually do something so difficult. Her family did not "approve" of her taking meds to help. They thought it was all treatable by "it is in your mind, you can overcome." I guess they figured out she couldn't. Waaay too late. (What makes me so sad is that she was one of the bright and shining stars in my husband's family. A true sweetheart and loving person. No one was there for her when she needed it because, of course, she should be able to pull herself up by her bootstraps and overcome) Not only a big sigh, but a big tear. I talked to her on the phone about 5 minutes before she did the deed. She was unable to talk to me. I replay that phone call in my mind many times... and wonder if I could have done anything to avert her act.

        That is why Cashy left this site and I do not blame her. So many well meaning people were telling her what they had experienced and were trying to tell her not to do what her doctor suggested. She suffers from bipolar and that is not a disease to treat lightly.

        The downside is, it takes a lot of work to find meds that help for some of our diseases. Sometimes the meds they try make things worse, sometimes they make things better. It is, unfortunately, a trial effort. Try this, try that, and when it works, Yahoo.

        I guess what I am trying to say in the long-winded post is that the drug companies (bad guys by many definitions) keep trying to find things to help. Unfortunately in a world of BILLIONS, the drug may help many and hurt a few.

        What I think we need to do is look at it (like Chantix) that helps so many, and insure the doctors follow up and keep close to their patients to make sure the ones they prescribe it for are not in the small percentage that do not do well.

        Damn. What a long post. Hope it isn't rambling. I am having a horrible morning and will have many horrible ones to come until I know my baby is going to be okay.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

          I have to agree with Cindi on this one. You can't throw the baby out with the bath water.

          And it's not realistic for drugs to be tested in every group.

          But Cindi is right, patients need to be followed more closely and of course we should be aware of potential risks and side effects. So I think the more awareness of potential problems the better, yet we shouldn't get too scared off of drugs based on reports in a small number of people.


            Chantix may cause psychiatric risks


            I am a strong believer in "better life through chemistry." Of course, I don't advocate AL as one of the chemicals ! Caution is good, however. As long as the patient is aware of risks and has good medical followup, I don't think it wrong to try medication to reach one's goal. It's working for me.


              Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

    ;277259 wrote: I am a strong believer in "better life through chemistry." Of course, I don't advocate AL as one of the chemicals ! Caution is good, however. As long as the patient is aware of risks and has good medical followup, I don't think it wrong to try medication to reach one's goal. It's working for me.
              I think there are many indigenous tribal people who would tend to agree with you!!

              I tend to agree here and in particular the use of LSD in Schizophrenic patients that was first used in the 40's LSD, or d-lysergic acid diethylamide, first appeared in scientific literature in 1943. For nearly a decade, it gave psychiatrists insight into the experi-ences of schizophrenic patients and showed potential as a cure for alcoholism.

              If alcohol had only been found in this decade it would be an illegal drug and come under the same scrutiny in its classification as the likes of heroin, cocaine, speed etc. I think anyway.

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

                As far as chantix goes or rather Champix as it is called here in the UK, I do agree that patients need to be monitored more closely. I have a friend who recently took it and she had an absolute nightmare on it and it caused her great distress. Yet, another friend of mine who first told me about it said it was the only thing that had helped him give up smoking. Everything he had tried like hypnotherapy, acupuncture etc had failed (I've only listed these as obviously he had tried everything else first like patches and gum). I would of tried it myself when I first thought about giving up but I am on anti depressants and it cannot be taken while on them. This does bear some thinking about though doesn't it.
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

                  I wish i could take this but i'm afraid to.
                  i have bouts of deep despair since i was 13yrs. old.
                  i tried topamax & it mademe kinda blank & stumbling over words when i talked (and i speak for a living!) i had to stop it.
                  but i need help as i'm going on 5 yrs. of vodka till i pass out at night for 5 yrs, now (it started afetr many traumas in my life.)
                  i have tried the Kudzo (?) & topamax & AA & healing from a church.
                  i mustsay after the prayer from churchmembers i was able to stop fpr 30 days with NO wd symptoms...then again for another 2 times& sleeping like a baby after years ofapint or more of vodka 7nights a week.
                  i drink due to sadness & loneliness i think...& AA out here in the boonies is wierd...clannish & they GOSSIP! (in a very small town!)

                  i hope there is help for me in some form that won't drive me to suicide & could maybe give me my hope & life back?
                  oh..i see i posted this in the wrong place...what else is new, lol?
                  oh well...i seem to be a loser.
                  sorry...just ignore..


                    Chantix may cause psychiatric risks

                    Well since you're right here in the meds section blue, have you checked out baclofen? It's given many people here their lives back.
                    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                    George Santayana

