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Aclepsa/Topirmate--out of business?

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    Aclepsa/Topirmate--out of business?

    Generic pills will never look like branded pills, they are not allowed to. It is still the same ingredients its just that after a certain time other companies are allowed to make them. I bet the branded ones are made in India too. Each company will make theirs look different.
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      Aclepsa/Topirmate--out of business?

      Generic vs Name Brand

      For whatever it's worth, here is my Topa experience. I was too afraid to talk to my Dr. about my alcohol problem, so I ordered 120 100mg tablets from RiverPharmacy. They came from India but are made by Johnson & Johnson (in sweden, I think). Long story short; I spoke to my Dr. about my success that I had with the Topa I ordered off-shore and she wrote me a script. She was happy with my experience and this was shortly after the AMA released the article with the connection with alcohol dependence and Topa use. She was happy to hear from someone "first hand" that had used the drug. With my insurance, I can only get 30 pills a month (I told her that I maxed out at 100 mg) so that is what my script is for each month. She wrote me a script with 11 refills.

      When I ordered from RiverPharm and got the 100's, I used a pill cutter and cut them into quarters to titrate up and 100 is my magic number. I just looked at the RiverPharm web site and only saw the 25's. Even with my insurance, it is cheaper for me to order from RiverPharmacy. The pills are exactly the same with the exception of the writing on the pill and how they are dispensed. At the drugstore they are loose in a bottle, and River sends them individually sort of like Sam-e or sudafed where you have to pop them out of the package. Here is the kicker for me. I have to pay $40 for 30 pills with my insurance. So for me, it is cheaper to get it from RiverPharmacy.

      Don't know if this helps anyone but, the drug is the same and your Dr. will probably not have a problem writing the prescription (by honestly telling them about the alcohol problem). If you have better insurance than I do, you may end up paying less in the U.S. than ordering overseas. I'm in Florida and have good insurance, this drug just isn't on the Formulary. Not sure how the rest of the world works with insurance. I'm interested, though.

      Happy St. Patricks Day!



        Aclepsa/Topirmate--out of business?

        thank you - voices


        Thank you for that great feedback. Makes me feel better with the offshore and generic choice. Will take a look at River next time I buy mine. I too hope to come clean with a Doctor at some point as well. Best wishes.

