Many doctors all over the world are VERY careful about prescribing antabuse because it can so easily lead to dire consequences (like death, as Britz subtly pointed out). One problem is that many people try to "trick" it, or just test the limits. The other problem is that most people do not have a complete knowledge or control over everything that goes into their mouths (eating out, eating at other people's homes, etc.) and even cosmetics can trigger a reaction. It is quite hard to stay entirely away from alcohol in all its many forms.
One member on these MWO boards was taking antabuse, but didn't tell her friends (which is not strange or unusual). Anyway, they tried to get her to drink at a party and she declined, so they secretly spiked a drink and gave it to her-- she ended up in hospital ER. In other words, it's dangerous, even if the patient diligently complies with the restrictions.