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A new drug?

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    A new drug?

    Hi all -- I have a google alert out on this drug and this bit of news just arrived. Sounds like if won't be in the US for a couple of years, but def. food for thought. Looks like a bit of a paradigm shift if you ask me ...
    Sad that it's always about $, though.

    (just mouse over the blue text below to get the link)

    Alcoholism drug market: shift in disease perception required for long-term growth

    A new drug?


    The drug sounds promising, sad about all the rest though, HUH?? It is almost an epidemic I think, just hard to diagnose...............

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      A new drug?

      memantine ( also known as Namenda)

      Hi, I was looking for a part time job and ended up answering an add for a clinical trial for this drug. It has been approved for alzeimers patients and I guess I fit the bill for a heavy drinking guinnea pig. I have to take the drug for a week then they put me in the hospital for the night and hook me up to all kinds of monitors and bring drinks every hour. I hope they give me the real thing instead of the placibo. I tried topamax and didnt have much luck. Has anyone heard of this? I'm a little nervous !!!Thanks,Molly


        A new drug?

        Wow Molly. Good luck. Let us know how it works out. I am very interested in this. Can you still get into the trial?
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          A new drug?

          Try this......I put it also in your other post. Interesting.

          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

