I am a stay at home Mom with a daily drinking problem I am trying to over come. I drink during the day when my family is gone. I have dosed up to 100mg of topa (75 in the am and 25 in the afternoon). I would like to go up higher but am wondering if I should take all in the morning because that is when my trigger (I'm alone, time to drink) hits, or if it is better to have them evenly spaced with half in the morning and half in the evening to keep it evenly in the blood stream. How have others taken theres when they have gone up to 150mg or 200mg?
I order off shore through River Pharmacy....Don't need or want it to show up on record and I am a horrible actor so would not be able to fake headache, lol.
Also, I take Wellbutrian because I quit smoking in the fall and am depressed, probably due to drinking, still want to take it but it does make be alittle short tempered...(lol, it is suppose to be a anti depressant but it falls under a different catg. then others) Anyway have thought about starting the SAM-E, sounds great for liver function and happy living. Can I take the two together?
Sorry for the long post...........am new with tons of questions. Have read and read, just not finding my exact answers.

Thanks for any input!
Have a great Day!