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Topa vs Campral

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    Topa vs Campral

    Has anyone been on Topa and Campral? If so, which one did you like the best? I'm on Topa but very groggy and not taking care of the cravings so I'm thinking of going on Campral.

    Topa vs Campral

    Hi Smit

    Sounds like you're having some of the same problems I did with Topa. I really wanted it to work, so I tried it three times, but just couldn't take the side effects. I had very restless sleep, stomach cramps, and acne breakouts, and couldn't tell it was helping with cravings. I finally got the courage to talk to my doctor and he prescribed Campral. After many years of daily drinking, I have been AF for 26 days as of today, and I feel absolutely WONDERFUL! :H

    I did a lot of research, however, earlier, so I was fully armed. I bought the book and CD set, and have done the hypnotherapy a couple of times, have read the books, but I feel that the supplements I have been using have helped tremendously. I've always been a vitamin nut, so I already take vitamins daily, but I've added an Amino Acid supplement daily, Evening Primrose Oil, Milk Thistle, L-Glutamine, GABA and Lecithin. I tried Kudzu supplements, but got stomach cramps. (Crazy, huh---- alcohol never bothered my stomach) If you'll take the Campral as prescribed (two tablets three times a day) along with the supplements, you CAN succeed. I'm living proof that there is a BRIGHT LIGHT at the end of the dark tunnel, and it is LIFE!

    I wish you the best of luck, and will be here to help you if you need me. I'm still relatively new here, but am soooo happy with the results so far. Feel free to PM me if you need to.
    Failure is not falling down; it is remaining where you have fallen.


      Topa vs Campral

      smit;279918 wrote: Has anyone been on Topa and Campral? If so, which one did you like the best? I'm on Topa but very groggy and not taking care of the cravings so I'm thinking of going on Campral.
      i am on both and no cravings at all. stress though makes me want one, then it passes. i hope that helps you. :welcome:



        Topa vs Campral

        I spoke to my dr about these drugs earlier this week, he said his choice for AL addiction is Camporal, hands down. He has used it with good success in his patients. I am opting not to take any right now...but if it gets too rough, he said just call him. Bad part is my insurance does not cover it!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          Topa vs Campral

          Thanks for your replies. I got the nerve to ask my dr for campral. He wanted to try to deal with anxiety which was causing my abuse with xanax for a couple weeks. (I have a special needs daughter which I have been medicating myself over the past 13 years with alcohol to help deal with her) I'm up to 75 topa and taking all the supps. I'm going to ask for the campral when I go back regardless because I want to try it. I'm still craving but not drinking a bottle at a time at least. Thanks. Smit


            Topa vs Campral

            I have asked this question in the past as well as I have been on and off Topa. Glad to see the responses. I guess it just depends on how our bodies decide to react. I may give Campral a try now b/c of the great press it's getting around here.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Topa vs Campral

              Darn. I hate to say this but we still crave. No matter what, the alkie "brain" is craving the alcohol. Period

              However, if you are ready to quit, Campral is an excellent choice. It gets your brain back to normal "faster."


              Let the cravings commence. I am BIGGER, BETTER and MEANER than them.
              AF April 9, 2016


                Topa vs Campral


                This is very helpful. I'll try Camprel 1st. I know I can beat those cravings too. Xanex by the way is just another addiction so don't go that way. I was addictted to xanex for 3 years and it is hard to get off of.

