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Campral question

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    Campral question

    Hi all,

    I have Campral that I have been waiting to start using, because you're supposed to be sober when you take it. My question is--do you have to have been sober for a certain length of time? I drank yesterday, but haven't drank today. Does that mean it's ok for me to start today? I can't find the answer to this question ANYWHERE in my Campral literature. If anyone knows, I would really appreciate it. Thank you! --Jess

    Campral question


    My doctor told me to take it even if I slip. Now, I know it doesn't do any good if you are just full out drinking but a slip here and there does not null its effect.

    You can start today, if you want.

    Good luck!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Campral question

      When I started it I thought I was supposed to be sober for a time before like 3 days or 7 days. Sorry I can't remember. I'm sure someone else will chime in.


        Campral question

        Funny, I came on to post a very similar question. My understanding of the product is that yes, you're supposed to have been already detoxed (somewhere between 3-7 days) but I don't understand why it wouldn't help you stop drinking in the first place....?

        At this point I feel like the hardest part is putting together the first 3 to 7 days.


          Campral question

          hubby took it and no one ever told him he had to be sober. He took it and kept right on drinking, never slowed down. Of course he blamed the pills for not "working". However, I researched it a little on Google and I think you have to be sober 7 days prior to starting. Which I know for me personally, that seems like a lifetime. I have his complete script setting on the bathroom counter. I can't make it past three days myself, he's lucky to make 2! I think if I can make it to 3 this time (nothing since Sunday night & today is Tuesday) I will start taking them.

          Good Luck!


            Campral question

            Me too on the 7 days being a lifetime. Back to the drawing board. *sigh* Congrats on your 2 days (THAT seems like a lifetime from where I'm sitting!). Keep it up!


              Campral question

              take it

              I took it while still drinking and it didn't help, take it now that I am AF, from day 1 it (I think!) stopped the cravings, I would take it today and try to go AF today!!! It would be a great start!! Yep 7 days seemed like an eternity at first but now I have 23 days AF, and I think the Campral really helps!! I think about it from time to time (AL) but haven't wanted to really drink yet, hoping it will help me moderate when I feel ready too.............:fingers:

              GOOD LUCK!!:goodluck:


              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Campral question

                go fo it!!

                I had a massive Friday and Sat, then only 3 beers on the sunday(26th Jan), then i started campral on the monday. On the monday I only took 1 tablet in the morning and one at lunch to test for side affects, then two that night. I was a bit shakey on the monday but not to hung over when i started. I'd have to say go for for it!!!! Campral has done wonders for me, I hope you have as much luck with it as i have.
                Best of luck.
                :nutso: Boof


                  Campral question

                  good news

                  I had a "tiny" taste of a beer yesterday and it was just totally REPULSIVE!!!! I definitely did not want to drink!! YAY, I think the Campral really DOES work!!!!:thumbs::yay::crazymonkey::clapclap:

                  Just HAD to tell you all that!!

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Campral question


                    I take campral and have been taking it for 2 months, although I have slipped aprox 5 times, which is little for me, but I'm trying to go AF. trying being the key word.
                    You can take campral today. I have even drank taking it. It didn't bother me, except mentally, knowing I was cheating.
                    Hope this helps


                      Campral question

                      info from a pharmacist

                      Hey Jess,

                      Campral works to suppress cravings in people who have already stopped drinking. So taking while drinking daily and continuing to drink daily is not likely to work. However, the recommendation is to start Campral as soon as possible after acute alcohol withdrawal. Acute alcohol withdrawal is generally 3-5 days. Can be the worst days of your life....they sure as hell weren't my best days...I have tried to go Af many times and am now on my longest streak in years at 23 days. If you can get 3 days Af, go for that, then start full dose Campral, which is two 333 mg tablets three times a day. You can take them with or without food but you might prefer to take them right after a meal or a snack as that helps to remind you to take them and might reduce the minor chance that they might upset your stomach.

                      If you can only get 2 days Af before you start taking it, then do it. But 3 would be better, and 4 would be better than that. If 1 day is all that your situation is going to allow, so be it. Just do your best. If you slip for a day once you are taking it, don't stop taking it, just do your best to go Af again the next day.

                      Like most newew medications, Campral has its own website too. flashintro

                      Keep in mind, the website is going to be a little biased towards the med though....

                      I hope that helps.



                        Campral question

                        Thanks everyone, for the replies. I wanted to update you and let you know that I started Campral the day I posted and it seems to be working really well. I have had a few SMALL glasses of wine throughout the week, but it was more voluntary.....I made the decision to have you know what I mean? I don't feel COMPELLED to have it, and I'm not mindlessly filling my glass.

                        Is Campral meant to help you become AF entirely? Or can it be used like Topa, in conjunction with a moderation program? I do understand that if you do drink, you are likely not getting the full benefits of the Campral.

                        I'm thrilled so far with the results. No bad side effects yet either, and I did what the previous poster did, started out slow with half the dosage but had no negative effects so started in with the full dosage the next day.

                        Thanks again--Jess


                          Campral question

                          Campral is used for the AF route.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Campral question

                            I haven't posted for a long time because I have been so frustrated with myself. I could have been a poster child for Campral. I got it...took it... and stayed AF for almost FOUR MONTHS!!! Then I slipped, and it was like always ... I thought, well I've blown it so I may as well go back to drinking.

                            I have tried the campral again this week, and I have been drinking on it. But it wasn't that I "craved" it was just that I had it, drank it, and then drank some more.

                            I am so disgusted with myself (again)...but I got on here this morning and started reading, and I see that there are so many of us that are struggling.....and then I remember that I am not the only one in this world that goes through this hell ....

                            When I get over my hangover this morning, I will start my campral again. Today is Sunday... a great day to start. My goal is to make it a week....then I'll see what happens. But yes I know, its one day at a time...especially when the 5 oclock hour hits. My worse time.

                            Thanks, PSue
                            It's a brand new day!


                              Campral question

                              Haven't been able to get myself to the Dr

                              I found this site last week. I haven't went to the Dr yet as I am not sure which medication I should ask for. I am not sure if I want to be totally AF but cutting back would more what I am looking for , at least at this point. I drink beer almost every night after work then eat then go to bed. No wonder I can't lose weight. Does any 1 of the medications work better than the other? Do the meds just make you not want to drink? Just how does it work. The other question is do any make you gain or lose weight?

                              My routine is playing games on the computer having a beer. We don't go to the bars any more but once a month we go to the casinos and have cocktails. I feel very rebellious and am hoping the meds will help me get over the not wanting to quit.
                              If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.

