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Nootropics (like Provigil, Modafinil, Adafinil, etc)

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    Nootropics (like Provigil, Modafinil, Adafinil, etc)

    curious to hear what people's experience has been. the Topa has worked in curbing my drinking but i'm soooooooo slow. i tend to be anxious about mixing meds, trying to do too many things with pills etc. but i'm getting a little desperate here after 4 mos of being a sleepy & slow gal. any feedback on provigil/modafinil in particular would be great ... where you buy, how it's worked in combo with topa, dosage, etc. ... mood impact, etc. much appreciated.

    Nootropics (like Provigil, Modafinil, Adafinil, etc)

    hi vino grrl,

    my two cents worth,

    I have tried both the modafinil and the adrafinil and prefer the adrafinil. The modafinil is easier on the liver and was my first choice because of this. It did tend to make me feel a little wired, but not too bad. Not good enough to stick with it though, so I decided to try the adrafinil and did like it better. For me, neither of them eliminated the side effects from topa, but they do help (no doubt). I am hopping that in time the side effects will go away or I will quit the topa. I am currently on 75 mgs of topa, which I got to very slowly and moved up only if I felt cravings. For a long time 50 mgs seemed to be working. I have tried 100 mgs and can't seem to stay there. Sufice it to say, the topa has made me feel quite sleepy too and in a haze, but I am determined to stick with it to see if they will go away.

    I have the adrafinil for when I find the slowness and sleepiness to be too much from the topa. It helps motivate me to get things done and I do stay on task with it and I am definitely not napping durring the day; I would recommend it. I still feel tired, but not sleepy and not so spacey.....I can't quite's like tired, but highy efficient and on task........

    My mood is good if not real good with absolutely no adverse effects. Probably because I am not drinking as much.

    However, after saying all that, I must add....If I do not get some relief from the side effects in another week or so, I will probably discontinue with the topa altogether and try going all natural as I too do not like taking and mixing too many meds.....and I want to feel "normal".

    You can order these meds from: INTERNATIONAL ANTI-AGING SYSTEMS

    Good luck to you...

    Anyway this is my second long message to you (I don't know what happend to my first one, maybe I am more spacy than I think I am)....


      Nootropics (like Provigil, Modafinil, Adafinil, etc)

      I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Modafinil, Provigil) - I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.
      P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 1b3d31ab9c


        Nootropics (like Provigil, Modafinil, Adafinil, etc)


        vino_grrl;293552 wrote: curious to hear what people's experience has been. the Topa has worked in curbing my drinking but i'm soooooooo slow. i tend to be anxious about mixing meds, trying to do too many things with pills etc. but i'm getting a little desperate here after 4 mos of being a sleepy & slow gal. any feedback on provigil/modafinil in particular would be great ... where you buy, how it's worked in combo with topa, dosage, etc. ... mood impact, etc. much appreciated.
        My wife and I take Baclofen. She tried Nootropics a while ago, particularly, Hydergine and Piracetam, That combination seemed to be very effective but it is too costly to carry on long term. She also tried Topamax and Naltrexone as well as everything else with no success.

        She is now on Baclofen and hydergine which worked as well as low dose Baclofen. Baclofen is no doubt the most effective med for alcoholism and the threads on this site are the best you will find. Most people find it does stop AL altogether. Hydergine is recommended for Korsikoff syndrome. It repairs damage done by alcohol as it helps with brain interconnectivity which is disrupted by alcohol.

        Baclofen helps with sleep and is increasingly being accepted as a "cure" not just a treatment and it is good for sleep disorders as it makes you sleepy. It is also non addictive and very safe. You will get a lot of support from this site if and when you decide to take it.

        Hope all goes well.


        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

