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Antabuse Thread

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    Antabuse Thread

    This one seems to- it does seem fairly expensive though- I don't know of the usual cost. Online Pharmacy - Prescription Drugs, Health and Beauty, plus more


      Antabuse Thread

      Thanks for the link, I checked it out and they dont ship overseas unless you apply for "access usa"... which apparently needs visa/mastercard.... the whole reason for a pharmacy with paypal is because I dont have a visa/mcard!.. LOL.
      Will go to my GP instead, hopefully he'll agree to prescribe it for me... nowt else seems to work
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        Antabuse Thread

        Well at least it would be cheaper

        I had no idea it was so expensive to buy online.

        I found a rather interesting link on it today from someone who is hoping to moderate rather than abstain- sorry if it has already been bought up here:

        My Experience with Antabuse -

        I could really relate to the voices in the head bit


          Antabuse Thread

          Hi, haven't been around for a while, but have been reading this thread recently and it's been an inspiration to me to actually take the AB I bought 6 months ago.

          Taken 1/2 250mg this morning and know there's no drinking today. It's a relief.


            Antabuse Thread

            Hi Everyone,

            Like More2, I appreciate the wonderful feeling of waking up in the mornings with no headache, no regrets, more money in my wallet, no guilt and just an over-all sense of well-being. Antabuse guarantees that. I have found that if I take one, I am AF for at least a week. If I don't, it's a bottle of wine a night for me. It's not worth it if I have a tool that can help in my journey to stay AF. I think I am going to take one every 7-10 days for the next month. That is only 3-4 pills a month. I can do that....

            Today, I realized that I count Antabuse a blessing in my life right now. When left up to my own self-discipline I cannot stay AF right now - which is something I desperately want. With this wonder-drug I have the strength. Thank you to all that share on this thread. Without it, I would not have known about Antabuse. It's a God-send for me right now...

            Have a great evening!!
            God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


              Antabuse Thread


              I am totally with you that Antabuse is a Godsend in my life, too.

              I know now, after going off it for a while, that I am simply not ready to do so.

              I am back on it and I do smile when a situation occurs where I am triggered to drink that I can't make the decision to drink, therefore, I get through it.

              Without the AB, I often cave to drinking.

              My doctor told me to stay on it for over a year. (Psychiatrist) He said it will take a long time to heal. AB is not a cure, it is a very strong tool, though, to help you get to the cure.

              Thank God for Antabuse. It sure helps me.


              ps. So, for a year or so, I am going to work on the other things that caused me to drink in the first place!! I want to be a happy sober person, not a sad sober person.
              AF April 9, 2016


                Antabuse Thread

                Antabuse side-effects

                I said it earlier, but just to repeat/remind for those of you considering to take Antabus...

                I have had pretty bad side effects from AB, which include rashes on face, neck and back, terrible headaches, and dizziness. This is on 250mg per day.

                I now take a half pill (125mg) 3-4 days in a row and then stop 1-2 days. This makes the side-effect symptoms much less and still acts as a strong deterrent to drink (I know I can handle a drink or even two at this dosage, but for me, what's the use if I can't REALLY drink?).
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Antabuse Thread

                  I am very sensitive to all meds but I find if I take 250mg of antebuse every 4 days I cannot drink and have no side effects at all (as long as I don't drink).

                  After 4 days I can have a drink without going bright red and being unable to breathe (Yeah I HAVE tested, being the silly ass that I am). But if I drink even 1 beer on day 5 or 6 I will get a headache that lasts 2 or 3 days, so I find 1 pill every 4 or 5 days is fine.

                  A friend of mine was taking 250mg a day, and he began to get swollen eyes, headaches etc and had to stop. Maybe for some people like myself less is better, and the result is the same- you can't drink, period!


                    Antabuse Thread

                    Hi, all.

                    I am taking 250 mg daily and doing very well (so far). I am planning to go off it for 10 days before a major event over Labor Day so that I can moderate and see how I do.

                    Stay tuned!

                    Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                      Antabuse Thread

                      Good luck Erin! Let us know how your moderation goes over the holiday.

                      Cindi, I cannot agree more. It's funny , the first few weeks I started taking Antabuse and was AF for the first time in 2 years - it consumed me. I knew that I could not drink because I had taken the AB, but I thought about it almost all day. I craved the alcohol - yet I could not drink. It was hard. I think the more I thought about it, the more I craved it. HOWEVER - now that I have a couple of months under my belt of mostly AF days, I rarely crave it and after taking an Antabuse pill I don't think about drinking at all. I take the AB - and I just know - no drinking. As a matter of fact, I went to dinner with my daughter's soccer team and the parents. When another mom ordered a beer, I ordered one on "auto-pilot". As it was delivered to the table it dawned on me "heyyyy - I can't drink that - I took an Antabuse!". So the beer sat there. I ordered a water and had a great meal. Game over - no drinking. And the obsession and cravings are not there. It was no big deal for me to not drink the icy cold beer sitting in front of me. WOW - what a feeling. What a wonderful tool AB is!! It stopped me in my tracks.

                      I came home, did homework with the kids, did some laundry and even made dinner for TOMORROW night!! I would never have been so productive before. I would have wasted my night drinking a bottle of wine and wasted my tomorrow recovering from it and beating myself up over it.

                      Again, today I am grateful for the help... I hope everyone else here is feeling the same way...
                      God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                        Antabuse Thread

                        I feel very low today and at my wits end with myself. I just cannot string more than a few AF free days together then I fall again- I have to face facts that the only way for me is with antabuse.

                        I have taken it in the past and of course it works- but the problem is once I start feeling a bit better and the bad memories of Al begin to fade I just don't take the antabuse and start drinking again.

                        I do not have anyone I can ask to administer it- do any long term users have any tips on this? I am planning on taking one pill every 4 days.


                          Antabuse Thread

                          "Wake and take..."

                          I set it out on my nightstand the night before w/ a bottle of water. It's 'staring me down' first thing in the morning.
                          Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                            Antabuse Thread

                            Oh Thanks, yes good idea. I usually wake up around 6 to let my 4 legged kids out, then go back to sleep for an hour. It would be a good time to take it while still half asleep and overjoyed that I don't have a hangover.

                            I still have the feeling that I am going to 'destroy my crutch' though or something like that. Obviously this is madness and I guess I need professional help, but don't have anyone to go to round here- but all the while I feel this way I suppose I am likely to abort my own efforts.

                            Hmm...sorry to ask so much but does anyone else feel like this when taking antabuse?


                              Antabuse Thread

                              Marbella, I think most of us feel like that. I do the EXACT same as you have done - take the Antabuse, slowly but surely get healthier and forget the abuse AL did to me. The healthier I feel, the stronger I feel. I then, stop taking the Antabuse thinking that I can control this addiction on my own. WRONG! I end up falling back to my old patterns. Maybe I won't have to depend on it forever - but for now, I need it.

                              I'm not sure whether or not you need professional help, however I think the very fact that you consider it and that you can admit that this is "madness" speaks volumes. Most people that really need the professional help cannot recognize that they need it. They are in a vicious cycle of denial.

                              Hopefully we eventually destroy the crutch. Until then, Antabuse is a great weapon against it.:boxer:
                              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                                Antabuse Thread

                                Oh well at least I am not the only one!

                                Well I have taken it, so that is at least 5 days AF. It is a relief, and takes the white knuckling 'Shall I have a drink or not?' away.

                                I've just got to keep it up this time.

