Cindi - I have fallen too. So you are absolutely right in your advice about not stopping Antabuse until you know for certain that you are committed to being AF. I actually didn't "stop" taking it. I did what a few people have talked about - taking 1 every 4-5 days since it stays in your system. The problem for me was that once that 5 day mark hit - I had the choice back - take a drink or take an Antabuse. I was not strong enough to not have "just one drink". I thought I missed it. I didn't!! And it wasn't "just one".
The way Antabuse works is that it takes away your option to drink AL. If you wait 5 days or so to take a dose - you have the option again. And sober and healthy feel so much better!! I am back on it today - for a long time!!
Weight gain issues - I have lost weight due to not drinking all the empty calories in AL. However, once you stop drinking, many people start eating (craving) sweets due to the decrease in sugar from being AF. So I think for some the weight gain comes from the food they start eating - not the Antabuse. At least it's a thought!!