I started on antabuse on Monday. Today is day 6 for me! I took a whole tablet until Friday and Saturday when I took half a tablet. I figure it has started to build up in my system. I agree with Cindi that a lot of it is a mental thing.
I felt really tired for the first five days, then suddenly, today, I have energy! Also, the cravings were pretty bad for the first 4 days, a little better yesterday, and really pretty good today. The one thing I did differently was to take an L-glutamine in the morning as well as just before dinner (before I just took it once before dinner). Maybe that made a difference?
Also, using a "reward system". I figure that I used to spend at least $10 a day on wine (in Canada you can't get anything drinkable for less). So every night I didn't drink this week, I put $10 in a little box on my bureau. Today, I went shopping and had $60 to spend! Amazing how it adds up! Of course, I bought very practical things...a pair of very high heeled fushia satin sling backs :H