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Antabuse Thread

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    Antabuse Thread

    Go here for a list of all the drugs with which Antabuse has interactions:
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Antabuse Thread

      Hi Amelia, Thanks for asking... I am really quite fine. It's been 12 days now and the headache has gone away and I have no problem with raspberry vinigrette!! My mental gymnastics over sudden thoughts of old drinking habits has been interesting. I know I cannot, but old, ingrained behavior patterns are becoming very obvious to me. Before antabuse, going AF was such a battle that I never noticed the patterns!
      beatle, I went to and by the time I waded through that incredible list of stuff, I was prepared to see "green leafy vegetables" also listed, and amazed not to find "pot" on the list. OMG, I am so happy to say that I don't take any of it: not one.
      I know it's a crutch, but just how long can one go on taking antabuse?? xxx g.


        Antabuse Thread

        Hi Gelgit, good to hear you are at 12 days and the headaches have gone (yep I had those too).
        My mental gym is suprisingly quiet. Just no thoughts about drinking. Boyfriend has the odd bottle of wine here and there - even that doesn't worry me (apart from the smell sometimes). I just love not 'having the choice'.
        I think it is a fabulour tool to have an extended period of sobriety (to learn new coping strategies) before abstaining without Antabuse.
        I am not sure how long you can take it....I have read somewhere here that as long as liver function tests are fine...up to a few years.
        Hello to everyone else - hope you are doing ok.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Antabuse Thread

          Beatle - thank you so much for the info. I have not started taking the Antabuse in fear of a reaction. I am also afraid of the side effects. Did you have many? How long should I be AF before taking my first dose? Thanks for any info.
          God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


            Antabuse Thread

            Hallo SpiritGirl,
            You have to be AF for at least 12 hours. I get no side effects, except good ones like having more energy and feeling clear headed ( after the initial couple of days of withdrawal) I agree with Amelia, it is a fabulous tool.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              Antabuse Thread

              The headache came back: don't know why because.... I haven't taken any antabuse since last Friday. I forgot and then Monday and Tuesday I couldn't find it!!! I completely took my fire/flight suitcase apart and did find it hiding under the lining. It's in my gut now. Funny through, after Friday night, I forgot about having cravings. (or was it Saturday??) I've been too distracted worrying about the fires burning all around up here. We might be forced to evacuate this evening, so I really do have a busy day ahead. xxx g.


                Antabuse Thread

                is antibuse in Canada

                Hi everyone...tried to get antibuse from our local pharmacy in Canada and they told me they don't make the drug anymore??? Is there another name? A generic name? Is anyone on site from Canada????


                  Antabuse Thread

                  They discontinued it in Canada because of the side effects

                  I got mine from River Pharmacy. Takes a while to come, but worth it.
                  Anything I can Believe, I can Achieve!


                    Antabuse Thread

                    thank you thank you

                    Thank you so much for replying -- why did they discontinue it --does it have sever side effects? Seems like a lot of peps have no side effects?


                      Antabuse Thread

                      Hi Rachel,
                      I have had only a couple of mild side effects. Bit of a headache now and then...sometimes when I wake up (but nothing like a hangover).
                      I also had loads of small spots on my face after about 2 weeks on it. They cleared up after a week and acne is actually listed as one possible side effect.
                      I am on Day 24 now AF and on Antabuse.
                      It is just the best thing (tool) for me at the moment.
                      Hello to everyone else - hope you are all doing well.

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        Antabuse Thread

                        Rachel - I got my tabs from River Pharmacy as well. I researched the company on the net and all that I read was positive. My tablets took about 9 - 10 days to get to me here in the UK (they are based in India).

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          Antabuse Thread


                          Wonderful!!! :l

                          Doing well myself. Yay!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Antabuse Thread

                            Great to hear Cindi. Glad the casino trip wasn't a trigger. Did you win on the Blackjack?

                            Sober since 30/06/10


                              Antabuse Thread

                              The side effects of antabuse are generally mild (if you don't drink, of course). Personally, I got a really bad rash all over my face and chest and back. I also had terrible headaches that OTC pain relievers couldn't touch, so I was prescribed a delightful narcotic for that-- I enjoyed that for a while (it's the same one Cindi got-- tramadol, a lovely little buzz that is not supposed to be highly addictive, but they don't know me!).

                              The severity of my side effects are apparently unusual, and many people don't suffer any side effects from antabuse. In addition, if you do suffer side effects, they may subside after a while.

                              I suspect Canada discontinued it because of the danger of drinking alcohol while taking antabuse.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                Antabuse Thread

                                LOL - Canada didn't discontinue it. I got it though my doctor.

                                I am wondering if Cindi may be having an adverse reaction to antabuse? It seems the timing is right with the problems she is having?

