I have not been doing so well as some of my late posts will indicate.
I am AF...the trouble is due to my own screw up I ended up having to cold turkey from Effexor.
Last night I was uber hopeless...and felt suicidal yet not if that makes sense...the sensory withdrawl symtoms are driving me insane.
The emotional withdrawl feelings are even worse.
It is like this weird double barraled assault on my senses. It is almost more than I can take.
I have called a few hot lines...one pharmasist said if he was close by he would give me effexor to relieve my symptoms with no prescription, as they(pharmacists???) know how bad cold turkey is with this drug. He said you can NOT cold turkey this drug.
BUT, I said...I want off this drug...can you give me a light at the end of the tunnel (my exact words)..how long will I feel this crazy....a day more (been three now)...two...three...he said up to two months more...I started sobbing to this poor 800 number pharmacist on the phone saying I simply could NOT take this another month...he said...get more effexor?????
I don't want any more...it was no longer helping my depression...it was there despite the drug, so it WAS time to get off...my dosage boo boo fucked me up...but...do I really want to get more to ease this...OR...hang in as best I can...I DO honestly feel like I am going crazy...RJ...any experience, knowledge...hints on this hellish drug???????????????????????
drowing in effexor withdrawl