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Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

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    Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

    Fresh...I am off to get ready to head to town...a long 6-8 hour day..will keep in touch...thank you for caring!
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

      How did you trip into town go Keeta? What did you do about the Effexor? I was about the same as MM, took 5 days or so and I was on 75mgs. It sounds like you may need to be on the drug or an alternate one. Be careful friend.


        Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

        Bad news...or Dr to plan B
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

          Keeta, you went all the way into town and back and no appt!? :upset: What exactly is plan B?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

            hey greenie,
            oh I had an appt. Dr got called out. OK, I think, that 800 number pharmacist guy from the nurses line said getting an emergency supply should be no problem even without a prescription. Well, no on that front also. After three different.."sorry, I wish I could, BUT..." responses I admit I gave up. (good news is I didn't cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

            SO...plan B is I have to go UP Island on Monday or Tuesday, and that is where "my" pharmacy AND Dr is. So I just have to hang in until above short and cryptic...*or not*...after "bad news..." is maybe just maybe the syptoms I am having will ease just a little by then and I can ask for the lowest doseage of 37.5 mg and will easier to get off of that???? (I may be too hopeful here, but hey...I am making lemonade out of the lemons)

            Some good this was my shopping day, I have restocked my supps I was out of....So I now have my L-Glut, another bottle of melatonin (which I have been popping about 5 a day under the old tongue, kidding my self maybe it will ease some of the anxiety from the withdrawl) B Complex, and Omega 3...all the good, calming supps are now refilled.
            I will say, the spacy, swimmy, head feeling and ear ringing is lessened today (4am here) I am really trying to stay positive about this. I may feel completely different if the syptoms come back in spades, and my emotions get all manic mood swingy again. (blah...I really hope not....REALLLLLLY hope not)
            Any ways my friend, I am going to make coffee and catch up on the boards.
            I hope you are doing well...I am sorry my other post was short and uninformative...I was on my way to bed after a LONG day in town...have you ever put away 1300.00 in groceries(I hate having to shop only once or twice a month)???? It stops being fun after about an hour :H
            Love you bunches,
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

              Morning keeta!
              Just wanted to see how you are doing today. I've been in the rollercoaster of pharm withdrawals more times than I care to remember. It can be sooooooo so bad. I'm glad it's the weekend - will you be able to relax and kinda go with the flow?

              I know the symptoms come and go (for me - almost like a 'spasm' - full body/brain/anxiety) and it just smooths out over time. Very slowly sometimes! Yuk. But it always does eventually.

              I know supps aren't a 'magic cure', especially when symptoms are intense, but I think they help. Good for you for stocking up. And eat well if you can, and maybe a little walk or something. Gentle, gentle, gentle. Make yourself as comfortable as possible.

              How are you feeling this morning? Did you get any sleep? Let us know :l

              Love WW xx


                Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                How are you today and sorry, but I can't quite tell, are you taking anything now?


                  Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                  ok I have read all now...when I got to the 37.5mg I opened the capsules and took 1/2 of the grains... pretty messy at first but I got good at it and after a while I could save the remaining half in a small dish and use next day, but often I would lose the "other half " and open a new pill next day. When I did that for 2-3 weeks it was time to reduce again, I started counting the grains; my method- actually count all the grains in 1 pill (write it down you only want to do this once) then divide by 4 and take 1/ that for 2-3 weeks and you should be good to stop completely.

                  I know how OCD this sounds, but really I am kinda, sorta an otherwise normal married, mother of three, dog, cat, house, AL problem and 30 lbs to lose....BUT I do know Effexor weaning is no joke and can lead to all sots of problems as I am sure you have read. Take it slow and be kind to yourself.

                  Hope you are getting some quality sleep and comfort food, sound like you have lots of choices after that shopping haul.
                  Take care


                    Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                    morning wonder!......yes, this withdrawl is far worse than any thing I have had due to AL (mind you I haven't had any huge stints AF)...very sensory, and physical...tends to drive a person batty...even battier than when I needed the damn anti-D's to start with :H
                    At 4am...the head thing anxiety...and ear ringing was lessened...I find it increasing as the hours pass But...I think it might be better than it was say...two days ago?.....weekends are not too kick back relax around my house...but I am going to try to be gentle with myself as much as possible...
                    (dammit...typing that brought tears to my eyes, and the urge to cry, so obviously emotions aren't quite back in check yet)....I slept on and off from around 10pm to 4am...not unusual for that is a good sign.

           wasn't able to get any Effexor...I am hoping Monday or Tuesday. Also...a kind soul from here offered me another solution route, so I will be pm-ing her shortly also!
                    I don't think your down dosing sounds ocd at ALL...this shit is awful....I read some where in my googling the other night that Effexor has a half life of 5 hours...meaning after 5 hours it is already starting to clear your wonder I have had withdrawls later in the day even having taken my morning dose.....
                    I am also a relatively normal(????????????LOL) married mother of cats, a few puppies, a bunny, an AL problem and heck...I could lose 30 lbs too!

                    Going to definately work on comfort food today...been craving dry garlic ribs, so may whip up a batch of those to snack on...OMG...have you visited the recipe page...Prest4time(I hope I am right about who posted it) posted a recipe that has brie and rosemary and roasted garlic served in a sour dough "bowl, that after melted you dip french bread in...can you say YUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
           why is my ass so big??????????? :H

                    Thank you guys for keeping checking in..(hmmm...I know that is bad grammar...sorry) is giving me a touch stone, when I start feeling all weird...AND you all have great knowledge and advice!...thanks...will keep posting as the days goes on...
                    love and hugs,
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                      Just checking in Keeta.......hope everything is as good as can be expected. Don't forget to come back here if you need us, okay?
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                        Hey Noelle...Just boiled off about 5 lbs of ribs...they are seasoned and cooling waiting to be coated, seasoned and deep fried...YUM..I figure right about now, the size of my ass is WAY down on my list of important stuff!
                        What is UP with the spacey head, pulses, ear ringing...I can feel and hear my pulse in my head ALL the time...among other things....I am about done with this shit...and it JUST WON'T STOP.
                        I am trying to ignore it best I can...but it is not easy. The shitty thing is, I KNOW if I will go I needed another perceived reason to drink...crap.

                        I was invited to a friends tonight to play Trivial Pursuit (I love this game)...the shitter is, if I go, and I want to go...I will drink beer.....the alchie me, and the learned to self medicate me want to go...the fucking respite from this ionsanity of withdrawl would be nirvana...I will tell you the truth though...the only thing that scares me about letting myself that getting back to AF may not be as easy as I am kidding myself it will be.

                        I am no saint...and this is the longest AF stretch I have had in 10 years...but I am kinda at the end of my rope....the fork in the road is pointing to drinking if for no other reason than to SHUT OFF MY HEAD...the shitty thing sense are making excuses Kim.
                        BLAH...I am never taking this medication ever again, once I am off.EVER

                        Sorry for ranting on and on...apparently I had some shit to get out :H

                        love ya,
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                          Fuck, and now I am crying...this sucks...if I presented with all my symptoms at a looney bin they would take me and put me in a room...all because I am coming OFF of pills I took cause I thought I was fucked up...that was NOTHING compared to this......FUCK
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                            Wowee Keeta. This is Mr. Toad's wild ride. Fasten your seatbelt. It won't be forever. Hang on tight!. You'll pull through! :l
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                              ugh greenie, if I had knowingly paid for this ride, I would be unhappy....Toad can kiss my ass...I feel like a frigging lunatic...fuck it....I am drinking shut it OFF...please all don't be dissapointed in me...I feel like a failure...but this shit SUCKS...we will start day 1 AF tomorrow...I am gonna go and play games, and pig out on dry ribs....sorry...any newbies...please don't see me as an example...
                              sadness at my failing,
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                                Just me...and Effexor withdrawl

                                It's okay Keeta......just get back to AF tomorrow, okay?
                                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

