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I thought my doc would be supportive...

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    I thought my doc would be supportive...

    I have been reading on My Way Out since the beginning of the year. I have read RJ's book, take supplements, exercise, etc. I decided that I was ready to try topa, but I didn't want to order it online. I went to see my doctor, and she was completely unsupportive wrt the topa. I know it is an off label use. I am dissapointed as going to the doctor to tell her something like that was very difficult for me. Has this happened to anyone else here?

    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/a career....a family to care for....gee! I've got it all!!

    I thought my doc would be supportive...

    Not yet, but I plan to ask my doc in May. I'm fearing the same difficulty and may consider buying it online just to try it. I'll let you know what the doc says. Belle


      I thought my doc would be supportive...

      My doc was also unsupportive at first, however she had me send the website address, and any other info about it and she finally agreed.

      Unfortunately, I was allergic to topa!!

      However, I know others have gone to a brand new doctor and asked for topa as maintenance for their migraines. Say they have been taking it for years.

      Most docs know topa and what it is for.

      There are always ways!!

      Good luck to both of you.

      AF April 9, 2016


        I thought my doc would be supportive...


        Thanks for the replies. Sometimes it is good just to know someone else is out there. I've been thinking about my appointment all day and I feel like my doctor just didn't want to get into anything personal with me. I sat there crying...It is sooooo hard to admit that I need help, and she just kept typing away on her laptop. ARG! Oh well, I like the suggestion about asking for topa as a migraine medication. I had thought about doing that first, but the truth is always the best policy...right?

        http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/a career....a family to care for....gee! I've got it all!!


          I thought my doc would be supportive...

          Im Almost There ~ That's awful what happened. Did she tell you why she doesn't like Topa? And did she offer you an alternative or just ignore the situation? Please don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. If you feel you need a Drs care for this by all means seek the help. Maybe you just need to switch Drs.

          Let us know how you make out. We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            I thought my doc would be supportive...

            I agree. If your doctor is not willing to work with you, it might be time to look for a new one.
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              I thought my doc would be supportive...

              Thanks Thankful and Lukalee

              I'm trying to stay optimistic. I am at the point where I will continue until I figure it out. I'll let you know what happens.
              http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/a career....a family to care for....gee! I've got it all!!


                I thought my doc would be supportive...

                My doctor turned me down also, as he said fighting a drug ( alcohol) with a drug is not the best way. I am also very afraid of the side affects, so thought I would try the supplemets and hypnosis cd's. I already exercize at least 4 days a week, but used to reward it with champange afterwards. Now, it will be the supplements. Hope this can work without topomax for a while????
                It is never to late!


                  I thought my doc would be supportive...

                  Just to give a different prospective on doc's prescribing drugs for "off label use". This is very tricky for them and, can, in fact, put their careers and medical licence in jeopardy. This is because of the possiblility of adverse reactions. All of the class action suits brought about by patients against drug companies, also impact the doctors. If a doc prescribes a drug, to a patient for "off label" usage. They leave themselves wide open to be involved in a law suit. Sad, but true. I say, blame the greedy lawyers and not the doctors!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    I thought my doc would be supportive...

                    I had a pdoc who never looked at me, just typed on his laptop, and then proscribed Depakote, saying I was bipolar. Well, I've seldom had a manic moment in my life; my highs are merely quiet joys. I left him for my current doc, who is compassionate and caring. I won't even leave her if she denies to prescribe topa, but I may investigate it on my own anyway. You aren't alone by any means! There are lots of us just like you. Love.


                      I thought my doc would be supportive...


                      I went to another Doctor and told her I had migraines and got the topa


                        I thought my doc would be supportive...

                        Hay Doctors are as good as thier personailties !
                        It reminds me of that comercial...." I was laying in intestive care....My doctor came by and told me " I had canser ! " What bedside manner ! You know....thiers a big drop off from the head of your class & the last of your class !!!!!! IAD !
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          I thought my doc would be supportive...

                          I was very fortunate, when I went to my dr to talk about this problem, I asked him if we could talk off record, he said sure, and away we went. i gave him the list of meds, we looked at what I was now taking, and he said that in his opinion, for me, Campral would be the best, if I needed it. He said (at this point I had like 3 weeks AF) that knowing me as he does, I probably was not going to need it, but if I did please call him and he would send in a script to the pharmacy for me.
                          Fortunately, I have not needed the drugs. but having a dr you can actually talk with is worth a LOT in my opinion.
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            I thought my doc would be supportive...

                            I just returned from a visit with my doctor, and I must say the experience was soo cathartic! Although I have high blood pressure, gastronal intestinal problems, fatigue, puffy eyes,rosecea, heart palpitaions, girgling at night when I drink excessively, and most recently double vision all due to excessive alcohol consumption, I had never before told my doctor about my addiction to alcohol!!!
                            What I'm learning is that shame about this problem prevents otherwise intelligent people from seeking proper medical help. At least that was true in my case. This sight and the support I've recieved over the past week has given me the COURAGE to take this most important step!!! Together with my unbelievably supportive doc, we are in the process of devising a plan to firstly cut back(while taking suppliments which I will most likely order from this site) with the goal of a qiut date within a few weeks. As I have been drinking daily 1.5 litres of wine a night for the past 2 years, and am concerned about the possibility of seizures (not something to mess with) he will prescribe diazapam during the preliminary phase of alcohol abstenence. At this point I don't want to take topirmate or champix. However I plan to follow the hypnotism tapes, access private addictions counselling, exercise and connect online like crazy. I am now hopeful for the first time in years. Hope this helps. TraceyO


                              I thought my doc would be supportive...

                              I just returned from a visit with my doctor, and I must say the experience was soo cathartic! Although I have high blood pressure, gastronal intestinal problems, fatigue, puffy eyes,rosecea, heart palpitaions, girgling at night when I drink excessively, and most recently double vision all due to excessive alcohol consumption, I had never before told my doctor about my addiction to alcohol!!!
                              What I'm learning is that shame about this problem prevents otherwise intelligent people from seeking proper medical help. At least that was true in my case. This sight and the support I've recieved over the past week has given me the COURAGE to take this most important step!!! Together with my unbelievably supportive doc, we are in the process of devising a plan to firstly cut back(while taking suppliments which I will most likely order from this site) with the goal of a qiut date within a few weeks. As I have been drinking daily 1.5 litres of wine a night for the past 2 years, and am concerned about the possibility of seizures (not something to mess with) he will prescribe diazapam during the preliminary phase of alcohol abstenence. At this point I don't want to take topirmate or champix. However I plan to follow the hypnotism tapes, access private addictions counselling, exercise and connect online like crazy. I am now hopeful for the first time in years. Hope this helps. TraceyO

